Friday, July 12, 2013

Tiny Thief Walkthrough Chapter 1-1 A Cheesy Plan

Tiny Thief is not just another puzzle app from Rovio, the game is interesting and intruging. I have spent most of my free time yesterday completing the game. Here is the complete walkthrough for Chapter 1 titled “A Rumbling Stomach”. This chapter involves helping our tiny thief to satisfy his belly by providing him with cheese, fish, pumpkins and more. Ofcourse you can do this by pinching on the respective items, it all comes to how you do this in this game.

Chapter 1-1 A Cheesy Plan Walkthrough
1) Take the stinky cheese from the crate and drop it on the table next to soldier, you will find him puking and running away from the screen.
2) Now you have to open the glass jar and retrieve the cheddar.
3) You will see a juggler on the top(violet color dress), tap on him to make sure he drops the fruit in the white bowl below, now place the bowl on the furnace. You will have cupcakes ready to eat.
4) You will have to wait till your pal shows his head out of the potatoes on the left side of the screen, tap on him to move to the right.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 7:38 AM