Friday, July 12, 2013

Tiny Thief Walkthrough Chapter 2–4 - The Birthday Cake

Five stages that have you doling out a little citizen justice on a jerk sheriff, and his tyrannical regime. These guides will tell you how to get 3 stars on chapter 2 in Tiny Thief.Tiny Thief is not just another puzzle app from Rovio, the game is interesting and intruging. I have spent most of my free time yesterday completing the game. Here is the complete walkthrough for Chapter 2 titled “A Rumbling Stomach”. This chapter involves helping our tiny thief to satisfy his belly by providing him with cheese, fish, pumpkins and more. Ofcourse you can do this by pinching on the respective items, it all comes to how you do this in this game.

 Tiny Thief Walkthrough Chapter 2–4 - The Birthday Cake
1. To Steal a Thief Hop out of the box. Wait for the chef to put a pie onto the window. Steal it, and jump back into the box. Wait until he has gone back inside, and leap out of the box.
2. To Steal a Thief Go put the pie on the other window. Knock on the door. A boy will appear, and start chowing down on the pie.
3. To Steal a Thief Now go and steal another pie from the chef. Again, jump in the box. When the chef starts arguing with the kid, enter the shop to steal the orange cake. Now leap back inside the box and wait for the chef to go indoors.
4. To Steal a Thief Pick up the mouse that the boy dropped. Put it on the chef's window sill and - once again - hide in the box. When the chef runs away, enter the shop to steal the cake, and then hide in the box until he returns.
5. To Steal a Thief Some blokes will come along with a shipment of flour. Grab ahold of the sack pile, to sneak into the shop for a third time, and steal the final cake.
6. To Steal a Thief You'll now be on the roof. Tap on the ferret that appears in the shop window, and nick the windmill. Now move to the right of the yellow roof to climb down.
7. To Steal a Thief Keep tapping on this window until the boy drops his red plane. Pick it up.
8. To Steal a Thief Close this chimney. The window will open, revealing a trophy. Tap on it, and then pick it up. You're done, and can exit the level with your head held high.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 8:14 AM