Five stages that have you doling out a little citizen justice on a jerk sheriff, and his tyrannical regime. These guides will tell you how to get 3 stars on chapter 2 in Tiny Thief.Tiny Thief is not just another puzzle app from Rovio, the game is interesting and intruging. I have spent most of my free time yesterday completing the game. Here is the complete walkthrough for Chapter 2 titled “A Rumbling Stomach”. This chapter involves helping our tiny thief to satisfy his belly by providing him with cheese, fish, pumpkins and more. Ofcourse you can do this by pinching on the respective items, it all comes to how you do this in this game.
2–1 - Candy Store
1. To Steal a Thief Tap on this chimney to make a candy cane pop out. You can then climb down the vine and grab the cane. Then wait for the ferret to appear, and give him a quick tap.
2. To Steal a Thief Grab this axe. Then head back up the vine, through the doors, and across the rope.
3. To Steal a Thief Stand a bit closer to the window with the sweets in, and then tap on the pink bell. A man will appear, get shocked, and drop a box of sweets on the floor.
4. To Steal a Thief Take a sweet from this jar.
5. To Steal a Thief Take a blue sweet from this bowl. Keep doing it, until the sheriff is inside the barrel. Now use your axe on the lollypop sign to put the sheriff out of commission.
6. To Steal a Thief Work your way down and pick up the sweets and piggybank.
7. To Steal a Thief Tap on this sign a few times, until all three spinners show a pink sweet. Pick up the teddy bear prize, and exit the stage with three stars in tow.
2–2 - Jailbreak
1. To Steal a Thief Don't wait around. Get your butt up that ladder before the sheriff appears.
2. To Steal a Thief When he turns his back, jump down the ladder, get the blue key, and go in the door. You might need to go in the door, wait for him to turn, and then go in the door again to get the key.
3. To Steal a Thief Use the blue key on the left cage, and free the juggler. Take the metal ball he left behind.
4. To Steal a Thief Go back upstairs, avoid the sheriff, and climb the ladder. Jump onto the chandelier. Now, when he's looking in the safe, drop the ball on his head to knock him out. Grab the red key. The juggler will also reveal a case. Tap it, and then collect it.
5. To Steal a Thief Go downstairs and unlock the red cage door. Take the flaming torch and put it on the torch holder to the right of the door. You'll now be able to see into the darkness to your right.
6. To Steal a Thief Grab the yellow key and the sheriff's badge. Now unlock the granny's cage to let her go free. She'll pootle off at her own speed.
7. To Steal a Thief While you're waiting, keep your eye on the safe. When the ferret pops his head out, give him a tap.
8. To Steal a Thief When the old lady finally gets to this safe, she'll open it up and you can grab the gold inside. Jobs a good 'un.
2–3 - A Bedtime Story
1. To Steal a Thief Take this hat. That's the first item pinched, then.
2. To Steal a Thief Go in the door to go upstairs. Once you're up here, grab the vase off the table. Also, look for the ferret - well, his silhouette - coming out of the plant pot. When he appears, tap on his little head.
3. To Steal a Thief Tug on this cuckoo clock, and then hide in the closet. Once the man has left his bed, jump out and hide in the bed. Wait for the woman to get in.
4. To Steal a Thief Jump out, tug on the cuckoo clock again, and then get in bed. Now be ready, once the woman wakes up, you'll be catapulted into the air and will have a precious few nanoseconds to grab ahold of the chandelier. Pull it off, and the the gem is yours.
5. To Steal a Thief Tap on this painting to reveal a glass swan. Pick it up to steal it.
6. To Steal a Thief And finally, open the shower curtain and grab the gramophone inside. You're all done.
2–4 - The Birthday Cake
1. To Steal a Thief Hop out of the box. Wait for the chef to put a pie onto the window. Steal it, and jump back into the box. Wait until he has gone back inside, and leap out of the box.
2. To Steal a Thief Go put the pie on the other window. Knock on the door. A boy will appear, and start chowing down on the pie.
3. To Steal a Thief Now go and steal another pie from the chef. Again, jump in the box. When the chef starts arguing with the kid, enter the shop to steal the orange cake. Now leap back inside the box and wait for the chef to go indoors.
4. To Steal a Thief Pick up the mouse that the boy dropped. Put it on the chef's window sill and - once again - hide in the box. When the chef runs away, enter the shop to steal the cake, and then hide in the box until he returns.
5. To Steal a Thief Some blokes will come along with a shipment of flour. Grab ahold of the sack pile, to sneak into the shop for a third time, and steal the final cake.
6. To Steal a Thief You'll now be on the roof. Tap on the ferret that appears in the shop window, and nick the windmill. Now move to the right of the yellow roof to climb down.
7. To Steal a Thief Keep tapping on this window until the boy drops his red plane. Pick it up.
8. To Steal a Thief Close this chimney. The window will open, revealing a trophy. Tap on it, and then pick it up. You're done, and can exit the level with your head held high.
2–5 - To Steal a Thief
1. To start with, wait for the patrolling guard to turn his back. Then jump out of the bush and leave, via the sign on the left, to the circus screen.
2. To Steal a Thief Right. Let's get started. Tap on the apples to make the monkey drop his hat. Pick that sucker up.
3. To Steal a Thief Pull down the flag and stuff it in your pocket.
4. To Steal a Thief Jump in the cannon and you'll fire into the air, and land on the bear cage. Let the grizzly bear free, and then pick up the clown's stilts.
5. To Steal a Thief With the flag and stilts in your inventory, you can now use this bush to change into a new costume. Also, pick up the bee hive, now that you're tall enough to reach it.
5. To Steal a Thief Tap on the llama when he pokes his head out of the caravan. Now tap on the giraffe. Finally, the stoat will appear. Give him a tappy tap tap-arooney.
Change screen to go back to the main town area.
6. To Steal a Thief Pick up the scarecrow's face. Then give the sack - now filled with bees, obviously - to the sheriff. He'll run off, and you'll be crowned the hero of the day. Once that's done, pick up the wig.
7. To Steal a Thief Ring the bell a few times, and the archer will topple off and into the hay. Pick up his crossbow.
8. To Steal a Thief Finally, head back to the circus area and take the red nose from the caravan. You now have all the items, and can exit with three stars under your belt.