Five stages that have you doling out a little citizen justice on a jerk sheriff, and his tyrannical regime. These guides will tell you how to get 3 stars on chapter 2 in Tiny Thief.Tiny Thief is not just another puzzle app from Rovio, the game is interesting and intruging. I have spent most of my free time yesterday completing the game. Here is the complete walkthrough for Chapter 2 titled “A Rumbling Stomach”. This chapter involves helping our tiny thief to satisfy his belly by providing him with cheese, fish, pumpkins and more. Ofcourse you can do this by pinching on the respective items, it all comes to how you do this in this game.
1. To start with, wait for the patrolling guard to turn his back. Then jump out of the bush and leave, via the sign on the left, to the circus screen.
2. To Steal a Thief Right. Let's get started. Tap on the apples to make the monkey drop his hat. Pick that sucker up.
3. To Steal a Thief Pull down the flag and stuff it in your pocket.
4. To Steal a Thief Jump in the cannon and you'll fire into the air, and land on the bear cage. Let the grizzly bear free, and then pick up the clown's stilts.
5. To Steal a Thief With the flag and stilts in your inventory, you can now use this bush to change into a new costume. Also, pick up the bee hive, now that you're tall enough to reach it.
5. To Steal a Thief Tap on the llama when he pokes his head out of the caravan. Now tap on the giraffe. Finally, the stoat will appear. Give him a tappy tap tap-arooney.
Change screen to go back to the main town area.
6. To Steal a Thief Pick up the scarecrow's face. Then give the sack - now filled with bees, obviously - to the sheriff. He'll run off, and you'll be crowned the hero of the day. Once that's done, pick up the wig.
7. To Steal a Thief Ring the bell a few times, and the archer will topple off and into the hay. Pick up his crossbow.
8. To Steal a Thief Finally, head back to the circus area and take the red nose from the caravan. You now have all the items, and can exit with three stars under your belt.