Monday, June 3, 2013

Run Ninja Run Unexpected Road cheats ---> Auto-exeM

Run Ninja Run Unexpected Road is the sequel to the hit side scrolling running game from Pyrozen. This where you can become the ultimate nerve racking ninja that you can be. Flee from dangerous enemies this time in all new 15 original action packed levels. Gather gold along the way as you avoid enemies. Upgrade your skills to up your evasion abilities. But if the game gets more challenging than fun, you can always use a cheat or two to get ahead of it.

Run Ninja Run Unexpected Road cheats.

I listed here some codes that you can use to give your extra something including free gold to use for upgrade.

EQUIP; this gets you gold.
FFW; this one enables you to play in fast forward mode.
SLOW; slow motion mode.
AWAY; play without enemies getting in your way.

To use this Run Ninja Run Unexpected Road cheats you must first play a level and when you busted just click switch level then under the upgrades menu you will see the cheat menu where you can input the codes I've listed above.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 9:43 AM