Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to Disable Android 4.2 Lockscreen Widgets and Camera ---> Auto-exeM

One of the most notable feature of latest Android 4.2 is the ability to put any of your widget straight to your phone’s lockscreen. Another was a way to access the camera directly, without unlocking. While these might sound like great features. This whole concept can be seen as a security issue too.
Lockscreen policy

Even though the device does really not need to be unlocked to use the widgets or rearrange them, one still has to unlock the device if they want to add a widget to their lockscreens. You can swipe left or right to use the camera and pictures can still be taken if the device is in unlocked mode. The thing some people are concerned about is some of the widgets could disturb your privacy or could reveal some of your personal information to anyone who wakes up the device.
This can be overcome now an app was released to Google Play recently, named ‘Lockscreen Policy’. The app lets you disable the lockscreen widgets as well as the camera with just a couple of clicks. This app is totally free on Google Play.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 1:04 PM