Monday, June 3, 2013

Can You Escape Level 6 Answer Solutions

This walkthrough tutorial shows you one way to Can You Escape Level 6 answer, Please see This method you can use and it’s easy!

* Can You Escape Level 6 Answer Solutions
To Open the doors, at this level, You Use the key in the keyhole to the left of the elevators.
* Please follow the instructions below:
- change the numbers to solve the puzzles, please see below:
12 x 14 = 168
6 x 2 = 12
2 x 7 = 14
3 x 2 = 6
1 x 7 = 7
- to open it and take the blue ball weight, you Tap the tan board below it
- Collapse of the screen and grab the yellow car jack.
- take a car jack parts (sticks) in the pot and plant in the light box on the wall
- Combine jack and used car parts on the car
- please lift heavy red ball.
- there are 4 colored numbers hidden in the room you should look for:
1. Yellow 2 = on the green gecko wall decoration
2. Red 6 = under bowl upside down on top of the safe
3. Green 6 = “LVL 6″
4. Blue 2 = tap behind lit up white square pots and plant
- Enter the 4 numbers in the safe: 2662 then tap the handle.
- Take the green ball weight.
- 3 weights hanging in the corner.
- open cement board, pressing down with a bull horn and take the key.
- To open the door, Use the key in the keyhole to the left of the elevators

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 9:56 AM