Monday, June 3, 2013

Can You Escape Level 5 Answer Solutions

This walkthrough tutorial shows you one way to Can You Escape Level 5 answer, Please see This method you can use and it’s easy!

* Can You Escape Level 5 Answer Solutions
To Open the doors, at this level, You change the color sequence of a racing car.
* Please follow the instructions below:
- blue eyes take in the right of the bed
- remember the order of the candle behind the painting:
1 = pink
2 = light blue
3 = black
4 = white
- put the colors in order: pink, light blue, black, white
Take the pencil.
- Use a pencil and drag it around the paper to reveal a height of 6 bar. Remember they are: 2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 2
- change the bar to fit you just: 2,1,0,2,1,2.
Take the silver key.
- Open it and take the bird food in the table next to the elevator.
- Give the bird food to the bird with the key and it’ll drop the key. Take the gold key.
- Look at the dart board and remember the dart colors and the numbers: green = 8, red = 4, blue = 5
- Pairs of gold buttons on the left and the silver button on the right. This will show the number 129 on the right. Enter 845 on the left.
- To open the door, Doing the math: 845 + 129 = 974

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 9:57 AM