Monday, June 3, 2013

Zombie Invasion Escape walkthrough ---> Auto-exeM

Zombie Invasion: Escape is another horror adventure game from Amphibius Developers for the Android. Your objective is to put an end to this nightmare and escape. But doing that is most certainly not a walk in the park. That said, I've written a guide detailing how I managed to complete the game. It's a written walkthrough that tells you what exactly I did step by step.

Pick up the revolver on the chair.
Pick up the sledge hammer.
Go back to the dust bin, open it and you will find a note.
Use the sledgehammer on the wall beside the dust bin and get another note from it.
Go to the front gate then turn left to find the first zombie. Take that zombie out with a sledgehammer and get the a key from its body.

Go back and use the key on the white door on the right to get into the living room.
Inspect the glass table and notice the phone number written on a notebook. You will need it later.
Zoom back out from the table and inspect the flower base. Pick up the corkscrew.
Zoom back out and go left. Notice that there is a vault above the head of the dead zombie. Zoom in on it. Referring to the plan (the note you found earlier), you must press and hold the button for ten seconds in order to open it. Once open, you will find a keypad. But since you don't know the combinations yet, zoom back out.

Open the blood stained door on the left. Enter the room and inspect the orange tool box on the floor. You can open it by referring to the second note. Get the doorknob from that box.
Go back to the gate then turn left where you took out the first zombie. Use the doorknob on that white door and enter the room behind it. Inspect the bottom of the shelf on left and solve the puzzle. It's quite easy.

After solving the puzzle, it will open a box containing two pieces of bullets and a blue butterfly.
Combine the bullets with the revolver to have a loaded weapon.
Zoom back out from the puzzle box. Notice the wall below the picture frame. Zoom in on that wall. Use your mighty sledge hammer on it to reveal a compartment. Enter it and get the tool from the shelf on the left.

Zombie Invasion Escape walkthrough.

Go back twice then turn right. Inspect the bottom of the white monobloc chair by the door. Using the new tool loosen up the screws/nuts on the feet of the chair so you may enter the door.
You will find an ugly zombie getting in your way so use the revolver on him. Inspect his dead body to get a coin.

Get the step ladder and from the shelf on the right, get the white butterfly.
Zombie Invasion: Escape app.

Go back three times and back to the living room. Inspect the top of the fire place to see the butterfly slots. Put the blue on the left and the white on the right. A mace/morning star will be revealed. Take it, it's yours.

Zoom out from the fire place and use the ladder on the tall cabinet on the right side of the fireplace. Inspect the top of the cabinet to get the flashlight.
Zoom out and take back your ladder for you will need it again later.
Go back to gate then turn left and enter the secret room from the hole you made on the wall. Use the flashlight/torch on the zombie in the dark then use the mace to take her out.

Inspect the shelf to get the key and screwdriver. Go back to the room where the air vent is at. Use the ladder to climb up the air vent. Use screwdriver on the ventilation shaft cover.

Climb in the vent and use flashlight on the zombie. Since you can't kill it yet, go back to the gate then turn left until you reach the room with hole on the wall. Inspect the table on the left and find the case. Use the key on it.
Take the gun and ammunition. In your inventory, combine the ammunition and the gun to have another loaded weapon.

Go to the ventilation shaft and use the pistol on the zombie. Take the capsule like item.
Now, what you have to do is to find all the coins. Get one from the dead zombie in the hole and one from the body inside the ventilation shaft.

Insert all three coins in the payphone beside the locked gate. Dial the numbers from the note on the table in the living room. Go back to the hole in the wall. Find the safe on the right wall and input the code you found from the payphone. Get the pump action shotgun and a key.
Use the key to open the caged silhouette zombie. Enter the cage and use shotgun on the zombie. Inspect his body to get a note.

Go back to the living room and above the fireplace, tap on the portrait to reveal a secret vault. Inspect it then use capsule like item on the pinned piece of paper to reveal a new code.
Inspect the dial of the vault and input the combination. For xx input 20, for y insert 60 referencing the note you got from the caged zombie. That means click on the right until it reaches 30 then on the left until it reaches 60 and so on.

Take the black-light from inside the vault (bottom).
Go back to the main hall and inspect the radio in the shelf on the left. Use the screwdriver on that radio. Once you opened the radio, take the circular left circular object.
In your inventory, combine that circular object with the tool you used for loosening the screws/nuts on the feet of the white chair earlier.

Go back to that chair you unscrewed earlier and use your new makeshift magnet tool on the holes on the floor to get batteries (there are four of them).
Insert batteries into the black-light item. Use the black-light on the case where you found the pistol and take note of the code you will find.

Go back from where you left the ladder and take it. Next, go to the living room and use the ladder on the tall cabinet/cupboard where you found the flashlight earlier. Use the black-light again on the wall (left side).

Go back then turn left. Tap on the device on top of the side-table below the picture. Use the code you just found on the device. The device is a safe and once opened get the test-tube from it.
In your inventory, use the corkscrew on the test-tube to get another code.

Zoom back out and go to the vault above the dead zombie. Use the black-light on the keypad.
Notice that some of the numbers are marked with colors. Now look at the new code to see what you have to press. So it is "2 yellow, red, 3 green and blue".
Get the key from that vault and use it to unlock the exit and escape!

Now that you've finished your game with the help of this Zombie Invasion Escape walkthrough, please pay it forward and share it to those you think might need it.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 9:40 AM