Hi. Facebook is a giant social networking site with 1 billion active users per month. Facebook proved itself as a great platform to influence peoples and to attract your crush over internet. beside this if you are a web admin you can get your audience out from there. But as i said "You can attract peoples on facebook", its not as easy as it sounds. To attract peoples on facebook
you must have a good fan following or genuine audience who like what you post. Many facebook users asked me about "How to get likes on facebook status, posts and photos" after a lot of internet surfing. i just found a latest facebook trick by which anyone can get 200-1000 likes on facebook status,posts,feeds or on photos.

So today i am sharing that facebook trick on "How to get 200-1000 likes on facebook status,posts,feeds and photos" with tricksmode readers. I hope you all find this trick helpful.
Before you start, First make sure that your profile have "Followers (Subscribers) feature" turned on otherwise this trick won't work.
So, How to Allow Followers on facebook?
To allow followers on facebook
Go To https://www.facebook.com/#!/settings?tab=subscribers Or Alternatively You Can Go To Account Settings Then Subscribers Tab And Check Mark The Allow Subscribers.
After Setting subscribers feature on, you have to do one more setting with your facebook profile which is "Make your posts publicly visible"
How can i make my profile posts publicly visible?Its not as hard task as it sounds,to set your default privacy of facebook posts to public go To Privacy Settings And Change "Who can see my stuff" to Public and also change who can look me up to Everyone.

So now your facebook profile is ready to get likes on status,posts and photos.
Now you just need access token of your facebook account to start getting likes on your posts.
What is Access Token and How can i get mine?
Access Token is like a authorization certificate and generally used by facebook applications to get access to your profile.
To get your Access token, login to your facebook account and click on this link. After clicking on link your browser will open a new tab. Just wait 2-3 seconds, a page will appear with a text "Success". Now copy the entire URL from address bar and that URL is know as Access token.
Yeah..I got Access token..Now what should i do with it..?
Now you are almost done..Just go to http://www.likelo.com/ And paste your Access token in Text field and click on submit. After that you will see something like this.

Select Status,Feed,Photo on which you want to get likes and Finally click on Submit button in front of desired Post to start getting likes on it. After doing so you will get 200-1000 likes on status,photos or posts in just seconds.
Some common FAQ's about Likelo
Can i Submit status,photos or feeds multiple times on likelo.com to get more likes on it?
Likelo.com keeps track of each and every submission in its database and doesn't offers a feature of multiple submission of a single Post.
How Likelo.com works?
Its a Facebook auto liker bot and as other facebook auto liker bots it also uses Like Jacking technique to provide likes on Posts. Likes generated by Likelo.com is not fake and all the likes you will get is from real and active facebook profiles.
Is Likelo.com Spams like other Auto liking bots?
The best thing about likelo.com is, it doesn't spams in groups or walls of people when we use it. But there is another face of coin exist that is, your profile will automatically start to like other peoples status,photos or feeds who are using likelo.com. but you can easily overcome by this by changing your Access Token.
How to change Access Token on Facebook?
Facebook Access Token automatically changed each time when a facebook user changes his password. To change your access token, Login to your facebook account and change your password. and select log out from other devices and you are done.
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