Sunday, January 6, 2013

STARTPOS MODS NAPOLEON TOTAL FACTIONS All playbale 03/05) BALKAN MOD 23/04 NEW: IBERIA MOD introducing Basque faction 01/05

This is mod's main menu. From here
you are able to select Balkan Mod, Iberia Mod or a Vanilla game.


Balkans have often mentioned as the gunpowder deposit of Europe. This strategic crossroad placed between East and West has produced some of the greatest civilizations but also some of the most destructive wars. The 19th century in Balkans is the era of new nations arising and perhaps of the most lethal nationalisms...

If you want to play Balkan mod just select a faction. After that user.script pop ups automatically and a cmd window prompts you to add the mod commands. When you save and close it, game starts automatically.


Loading screens:

Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

Army units:




Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 





Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
I have not added new units but I've removed restrictions so Egyptian campaign units will be available also in European grand campaign.


If you have chosen to play Iberia mod just click on the start button.
After that user.script pop ups automatically and a cmd window prompts you to add the mod commands. When you save and close it, game starts automatically.

Army units:


Units have not been added for Spain since vanilla are plenty.




version 2.2

* Iberia mod has been added.
* Units have been reworked and new ones have been added.
* A problem with revolutions in new Balkan factions has been fixed.
* Other minor

version 2.1

* Unit roster for all Balkan factions has been reworked completely. Now there are more units present in campaign, without strange or unaccepted colors. For Greece units from ETW have been added.

* Units stats have been reworked and a couple of buildings have been added for the recruitment of the local units (like irregulars), which now can be recruited only in Balkan regions.
* Diplomacy has been reworked so the Balkan factions are forced to be aggressive or friendly according historical circumstances.
* Other minor changes

Next major update will introduce new Startpos mod:
Iberia mod including the faction of Basques.

version v. 2.0

* GUI has been added.

* Armies has been reworked for Serbia, Croatia, Moldavia and Hungary. Some icons especially in Hungary have not the right skins but in battlefield the units are o.k. It will be fixed with Greek and Ottoman units addition in next update.
* New loading screens have been added, using SirDCC's Load Screens
* Other minor changes.

version v. 1.2

* All Balkan factions get a general after first turn thanks to
rebirthofman's finding.
* Croatia and Moldavia wrong battle flags were fixed.

version v. 1.1

* All Serbia issues are fixed.version v. 1.0
* Hungary has been added.
* Fixed issues with religion and other issues that had remained from original factions.
* Other minor changes.

Beta version

* Playable factions: Ottomans, Greece, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Moldavia.
* Victory conditions, historical leader portraits and names for Balkan factions.
* FoW fixed, only player's regions are revealed.


Download Startpos_22_setup.exe and run it following the instructions. Check the installation directory which by default is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\napoleon total and if necessary change it accordingly. Mod uses its own modfolder and will not overwrite any vanilla files.

Downloading Link

Downloading Link


Be sure you have a user script in your game's script directory. If you are not sure or you do not know how to make one use this tool.

If you choose to play Balkan mod you have to add the following lines:

mod Balkan1_mod.pack;
mod Balkan2_mod.pack;

If you want to play Iberia_mod
you have to add the following line:

mod Iberia_mod.pack;

In both cases, after saving the user script mod starts automatically. When in Napoleon menu start a new Coalition Campaign.

Credits to talented skinners and modeler's for
I've used parts of their work in this mod:

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 5:29 AM