Monday, February 11, 2013

2013 Call of Duty For new Confirmed

In a shocking bit of news, Activision has confirmed that a new Call of Duty game is in development, and will be released this year. Well, you probably knew this was happening anyway since they have two teams who alternate each year with their version of the game.
Since 2012′s version was done by Treyarch, we guess it’s now Infinity Ward’s turn to show what they can do. However, we don’t have any idea about the platforms Activision is targeting since Sony and Microsoft’s consoles are rumoured to hit the market this year.
Could it be a cross gen title? It’s hard to say, but they wouldn’t want to risk putting the game on the new consoles with next to nothing install base, while there is a 100 million install base on the PS3 and Xbox 360 that can get them a lot of sales.
Under key priorities for 2013, Activision had mentioned Call of Duty 2013. You can check out the image below.


Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 3:23 PM