Saturday, April 27, 2013

100 Doors Runaway Level 26-30 Walkthrough ---> Auto-exeM

The tricky part is on level 28, where you need to write down and open the letter one by one ! but we already did them on 100 doors runaway level 26 27 28 29 30 walkthroughdown here so you can easily press the letters
remember to use the logic hint everytime you can’t find your way out from the puzzle 
We finish 5 level to door 30 on these tips for 100 door runaway solutions :
100 doors runaway level 26 walkthrough
count how many foot for each creatures :
the answer is 2 4 2 8 0
100 doors runaway level 27 walkthrough
take out the spiral from top and order them from the little to many :
1 = 2 circles
2 = 3 circles
top = 4 circles
middle = 5 circles
100 doors runaway level 28 walkthrough
now spell password by pressing 
100 doors runaway level 29 walkthrough
use the ball and gap to press :
1. both bottom
2. both top
3. top left
4. bottom right
100 doors runaway level 30 walkthrough
tap the circle saw until it rotate then use it on the spear
now make the circle saw stop and press green button
proceed to 100 doors runaway level 31 cheats

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 2:52 AM