Saturday, April 27, 2013

100 doors runaway level 21-25 walkthrough ---> Auto-exeM

I don’t really know the reason why for level 21, but hey we pass them see the answers on 100 doors runaway level 21 22 23 24 25 walkthrough !
the other part that quite troublesome is on level 23, where you must watch where the direction of each cogs rotate
here are the 5 cheat for 100 door runaway solutions :
100 doors runaway level 21 walkthrough
drag down these 3 items :
weight, stove, tv
100 doors runaway level 22 walkthrough
move the crate to the middle
press the faucet until the water fill the room
100 doors runaway level 23 walkthrough
take the 8 gear and put them one by one on the wall
now you need to see if the cog moves on the right rotation, if not then change it !
100 doors runaway level 24 walkthrough
shake to make the ball slide down
use it on the peacock picture
get 3 shape and match them on the door
100 doors runaway level 25 walkthrough
slide the door with the correct arrow direction :
right, left, down, up
proceed to 100 doors runaway level 26

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 2:53 AM