Saturday, April 27, 2013

100 doors runaway level 16-20 walkthrough ---> Auto-exeM

The easy part is on puzzle 17 and 19, the rest quite confusing but we already solve them for you in 100 doors runaway level 16 17 18 19 20 walkthrough !
it’s fun so far, and the game is not really stressing ! remember to ask if you need more explanation for each floor solutions
here are the help for 100 door runaway answers :
100 doors runaway level 16 walkthrough
get the glowing stick and put on the right wall
move the glass ball to the top left
then press the staff, so it will reflect the light into the bucket
wait until the key appear from the bucket
get and open the door
100 doors runaway level 17 walkthrough
drag the bear from left to the tree
100 doors runaway level 18 walkthrough
press the top left and bottom right
press the middle left and middle right
press all button start from top left – bottom left – bottom right – top right
press the top left, bottom left, bottom right, top right
100 doors runaway level 19 walkthrough
get the stick and press the gear until the door open
rate the app or not ?
100 doors runaway level 20 walkthrough
count how many corner for each shape on the door
enter : 4 3 4 3 0 7 4
proceed to 100 doors runaway level 21

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 2:54 AM