After finish with the first 10 level, we shall continue for the next 5 level in 100 doors runaway level 11 12 13 14 15 walkthrough !
i think this is the easiest 5 level so far, because on the next one you will see some hard puzzle to solve
here are the answers for 100 door runaway solution :
100 doors runaway level 11 walkthrough
get the blue ball and put it on left hole
tilt your phone or device so the ball moves to the fish bowl
100 doors runaway level 12 walkthrough
get 4 items and place them on the right place :
tennis ball = racket
hockey puck = hockey stick
soccer ball = net
plane = window
boat = fish tank
100 doors runaway level 13 walkthrough
press the object from big to small :
start from bottom right building
100 doors runaway level 14 walkthrough
press the square to add number into 10
4 + 6 press lever
2 + 8 press lever
5 + 3 + 2 press lever
2 + 2 + 2 + 4 press lever
100 doors runaway level 15 walkthrough
use the hammer to press the red button
now count how many press it needs to make the picture gone one by one
enter 4257 on keypad
proceed to 100 doors runaway level 16
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