I think there’s a bug on level 33 where the z is no match for the math but as we figure out the answer let’s take a look for all solutions on 100 doors runaway level 31 32 33 34 35 walkthrough how to pass them
next guide is the last floor for these week released, so you might want catch up if you haven’t reach it !
here are the cheats for 100 door runaway help :
100 doors runaway level 31 walkthrough
click the switch take the spray
use it on the rectangle above door and hit the switch to see the password
enter 7539
100 doors runaway level 32 walkthrough
take the scream mask to scare the chickens, now press :
left, top, right 2x
top, left 2x, top
just leave the egg cracks
100 doors runaway level 33 walkthrough
x = 7
y = x*x so 49 = 7×7
so we have z = 100 – 49 + 7 = 44
rate the game ? LOL
100 doors runaway level 34 walkthrough
take brush, hammer and bucket
use hammer to tap 3 square on the wall
use the bucket on orang machine to get a cement
place it on the squares and use the brush on the paint bucket
then press all the square
100 doors runaway level 35 walkthrough
take the pliers and look on the wire
cut all except red, press switch and connect all wire
cut all except blue, press switch and connect all wire
press switch
proceed to 100 doors runaway level 36 cheats
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