New Features
- Server Rentals
- Server rentals are live!
- To access server rentals:
- Click "Play Game"
- Then click "My Servers"
- Finally click "Rent Game Server"
- Server Rental Pricing
- During the first introductory period our pricing will likely be between $.60 and $1.40 per server slot per month, depending on the options you've selected. Servers in the EU will also cost slightly more.
- Server Rental Options
- Map
- Colorado
- New Maps in the future
- Region
- United States
- Europe
- Rental Period
- 1 Month
- 3 Months
- 6 Months
- Custom Server name.
- Custom Password for your friends.
- This is currently unavailable but will be added at a future date. The option will allow you to turn off all PvP aspects of the game.
- Show Name Plates
- Show Crosshair
- Show Tracers
- Groups
- A maximum of 10 people are able to join your group.
- To add someone to your group:
- Press the tab key
- Left click a players name
- Select Invite to Group.
- When in a group you can see the position of your teammates on the map. Just press M to access the map.
- Safe Settlements
- Vault
- The vault is an area of safe settlements that allows you to access your global inventory. Once in a vault simply walk up to the NPC and press E (Use) once prompted.
- General Store
- The General Store will allow access to the Market Place. Like the vault you will need to press E (use) when prompted at the NPC to access the Market Place.
New Weapons
- Mosin Rifle
- A Russian bolt action rifle with an internally fed magazine, this reliable rifle has been in popular use through countless wars.
- 1911
- Standard US service pistol known for its minimal recoil and light weight
- Compound Crossbow
- String drawn compound hunting crossbow for silent kills. Uses bow arrows for ammo
- Items
- We have added a bunch of new weapon spawns all over the map, as well as made a lot of spawns very lucrative!
- Zombies
- Zombie spawns will be much more dangerous while they are around spawns that contain very valuable items. Make sure to bring your friends when you are going to attempt to go out and loot these!
- Browsers
- Optimized server and clan browsers. These, both, should load much faster.
- Improved the lighting in Colorado. Sunsets will look especially awesome now!
- It is no longer possible to exploit server hopping while using alt+f4
- While your clip is full you will not be able to reload. You must completely empty the clip so your gun will reload.
- Fixed a bug that allowed users to have their names displayed when not being targeted.
- Fixed a bug with backpacks where weight was not updating when moving items into it.
- Fixed an issue with notes remaining visible after being killed
Home » Unlabelled » WarZ Patch Notes 2/12/13