Tuesday, February 12, 2013

WarZ Server Rentals

Prior to tomorrow's release of server rentals we wanted to explain the functionality and management of servers.

Following the patch, there'll be a new functional button underneath 'Play Game' that says 'My Servers'.

Within my servers you'll have the ability to manage existing server rentals, as well as rent additional Gameworld servers.

For now your options consist of the number of slots (30, 50, 70, 100), the rental period (1, 2, 3, or 6 months), server name, and whether or not you want it private. While the option for PvE is there, its still under development. The price of the rental will change based on what options you have enabled/disabled, and whether its private or not.

Prior to renting the server you'll also be able to enable/disable nameplates, crosshairs, and tracers.

(Disregard the GC price that is placeholder at the moment)

Once the server is rented you can manage active players, change the password, and see how much time you have remaining on your rentals. Please note you will not be billed during server maintenance or down time. This means that if we have to take servers down for 6 hours for a patch or something similar, you wont be charged for it.


During the first introductory period our pricing will likely be between $.60 and $1.40 per server slot per month, depending on the options you've selected. Servers in the EU will also cost slightly more.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 2:42 PM