This weeks been an intense one over here. Completely redoing the spawn system, finishing up server rentals and strongholds - all in all its been worth it though, and we can't wait to see what you think of the new changes coming. Given that, the spawn systems all new your feedback will be important as we tweak balancing.
For this weeks dev diary, we wanted to give you a glimpse at some new weapons coming soon, but mainly discuss a few ideas the team has been working on, and see what you thought. All of these ideas are only in a discussion phase and are not part of any production schedules. IE this is not a promised feature at this time
Fast Travel, or The Colorado Underground
This will be a familiar idea to many of you, as its come up in many a discussion, but the idea is this:
There are a series of tunnels connecting the safe settlements, essentially a subway system, that players can utilize by paying a small fee with in-game currency (not GC) and quickly travel between all the safe settlements. There will be a cool down on this ability, but the idea is to allow players to quickly get closer to where they want to go.
Would this be something you'd like to see, or even use? Can you think of any possible ways this could be abused?
This feature, we feel, would also be extremely helpful in larger maps, like California once its completed.
Item degradation and repair
The way this would work would be that over time and use items/weapons/armor slowly degrade, until they begin to have negative effects before breaking and becoming completely useless. Items found in the wild will have varying 'health' values reflecting the fact that these items have been out and around for so long
Of course, you'll still find pristine items, but this would be rarer. In terms of use, every time an item is used it has a chance to degrade slightly, and as it crests different damage thresholds it becomes less useful.
This feature would have its own associated skill set, so that players can increase their ability to repair items and weapons efficiently and swiftly. Additionally, players can specialize in repairing, and even then start charging for their services.
Would this be a valuable addition? Let us know what you think in the comments.
City Conquest and Clan Wars
As clans gain prevalence and prominence, we've seen many major groups grow in size and power. This idea involves entering a city and then holding that city / fighting over that city to gain control over it. Once the city has been captured by a clan this clan then would have perks that would last as long as they have the city.
New weapons!
Art's been busy cranking out some awesome new weapons in addition to map and character work. Check them out!
Mozin Rifle
Colt 1911
New melee weapons, including the chainsaw!!
Next Patch 2/12/13
Server rentals will be going live! However, after extended testing we decided to only release game server rentals in this patch as we want to verify that our server infrastructure functions correctly. If all goes well with server rentals, Strongholds will be released in the next patch (after Feb 12).
Patch notes will be up soon!
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