Saturday, January 5, 2013

Minecraft Profan's Humble Abode FP V5! [GMOD, MC]

Server Name: Profan's Humble Abode
Max Players: 75
Started:4th August 2010
Server IP:
SURVIVAL SERVER // FlubberNugget now in control!


Server Site!: // Under Construction


Welcome to checking out my minecraft smp server, play here and you will have a good time if you enjoy making towns, helping with the large
projects that usually happen underground or the fortresses for the town center, almost everything here is centered around the towns, so roads,
subways and monorails are made to them.

So if you want to play minecraft with other people, have fun and not be afraid of your shit getting stolen, fucked up or burned down? Then you
should play here.

Most towns usually have lots that you can get to build there, just ask the owner for permission and what rules there are for that specific town.
Of course you don't have to join a town, you can always start a fortress somewhere with your friends, or make a house just like you would in SP,
then trade and such with the other players around you, whatever you do i will try to make your experience the best i can.

When you join you will appear at the spawn, which most likely has signs, roads and railways to other towns, if you can't find anything? Just ask!

We also currently sport an economy, based on the ability to convert iron, gold and diamond bars into money, or profinions as they are referred to on the server!
Marketplaces are usually set up in towns, where you can buy anything you imagine with the money you earned from slaving for me or one of the other friendly slave drivers.

Garrysmod Server!

So we decided to host a garrysmod server again, carrying the most essential building tools and addons, requirements and instructions for what you need below!

Server IP:
Slots: 16

Mods running are listed in the MOTD of the server!

What you need to play:

Get ACF from here:

IMPORTANT! Make SURE you take the scripts & particles folder you downloaded in the ACF addon folder, and

put them in your main gmod directory! Stuff will not make sound if you don't!

You will also need wire, which you can get from this url:

Now you can play with us!

Memorable Old Maps
• Map with Crampture,Flintridge,
Cliffside and many others:
• Map with Stormhaven and
New Vennice, and various settlements:
• Best map ever, shadowmarsh, bobville, bunkerville, sulsamburgh, skitgaard, and many others you can find info about on the wiki. - Not missing anymore!
• Unknown map
• Virvel, Klippan, etc
• Uhh, April?

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 6:25 AM