Meet the philantropist in the new mission event : mafia wars bulletproof heart ! a good man does the right thing even if it’s in the wrong way !
new loot item rewards :
stifle – 175 A 249 D (armor)
perfect ring – 159 A 219 D (armor)
wheel of blade – 219 A 159 D (weapon)
desert raider – 219 A 158 D (vehicle)
alpine musk deer – 159 A 219 D (animal)
here are the objectives walkthrough :
part 1 : man on a mission
- loot 10 poke-a-faces from jobs : work with the pi at the crime screne in london
- help in a war 1 time
- rob 20 sports stadium in london
part 2 : mind games mission
- rob 50 times in chicago
- build 2 armor in the armory
- fight in 12 shootout arenas
part 3 : a walk on the dark side mission
- get 1 crew members
- clear 10 robbing boards
- build 10 arena power-ups
part 4 : the revenge mission
- collect from your sports stadium 2 times
- acquire 10 weapons
- deal 2500 damage in shootout arena
part 5 : the executioner mission
- declare a war 1 times
- ask for 4 nosepikers from mafia
- loot 40 personal stylist from robbing in london
part 6 : mapped out mission
- win 30 fights in london
- job : recruit loyal gunmen
- build 2 vehicles in the chop shop
part 7 : gather the troops mission
- deal damage in shootout arena to loot 20 bite mes
- get 2 crew members
- rob 50 royal bank
part 8 : charge mission
- job : dodge the guards
- collect from your headquarters 3 times
- get 30 arena ices in shootout arena
part 9 : song of freedom mission
- get 5 power cards
- loot 40 open airs from robbing in london
- win 40 fights in chicago
part 10 : the great fall mission
- loot 25 american pikas from jobs : gather intel from street rats
- declare a war 1 times
- ice 200 opponents in london