Saturday, January 5, 2013

iStealer 6.3 & Tutorial free

I am guessing that most of you are interested into some not so legal stuff so lets start with password hooking. Today I am presenting you probly the most used tool for stealing passwords "iStealer". Its a tool which steals passes saved on PC.

So the first step is to find nice webhost, for e.g. I will use 000WebHost which is free and simple. So follow further instructions:

Here we are signing up for our free webhost for iStealer.
When we go to Sign Up page,we will get this page.Follow as I explained on the picture.

At end press Create My Account

2. Making a MySQL Database

So,when we made a free webhost,we will make a MySQL Database.
When you register at 000Webhost,wait 1 minute.Then go to Control Panel of your domain.
Now,scroll down and go to MySQL under » Software / Services.

Follow all as it is on picture.

After creating a Database save the info cus u gonna need it!!

3. Setting up PHP Logger
After you created a MySQL Database,we will need to set up PHP Logger.
Extract iStealer 6.3 and after that extract PHP Logger.
You will see PHP Logger folder, open it and you will spot 2 files:

  • index.php
  • style.css

Open index.php with notepad or other editing programme.Then follow all as it's shown on picture

4. Uploading PHP Logger

Now, go back to Control Panel and go to File Manager.
Then just type your password again.
Go to public_html directory. Press Upload and select index.php and style.css .Then go back go first directory and check public_html and press CHMOD and type 777 as Chmod value.

5. Making a iStealer server
After uploading PHP Logger,you must make a iStealer server a.k.a virus. Open iStealer 6 directory and open iStealer 6.3 Legends.exe.

In PHP Logger put URL to your PHP logger.

Chose any adational options and press Test URL.
If responce is positive bind a file, change icon and click Build Server.

Congratulations,you successfully setuped your iStealer server!!!

The next thing is to make your stealer undetectable by AntiVirus software and spread it around. Even if you dont make it undetectable you can always infect some rednecks without proper AV protection.

How to make your stealer undetecable will be shown in next tutorial I am gonna make.

VirusScans - ( This tool is detected by allmost every AntiVirus so do not be worriend about detection rate, file is clean)

iStealer_6.3_Legends.rar - Jotti's malware scan

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 6:40 AM