Friday, May 10, 2013

Running With Friends Cheats And Tips ---> Auto-exeM

Fans of endless games will find a lot to like about Zynga's Running With Friends. This charming title puts you in control of a death-defying adventurer on the run from bulls through congested city streets. Not only is this fun in its own right, but the addition of asynchronous multiplayer ratchets up the intensity as you compete against random opponents and Facebook friends. That said, these tips will help boost your score.
-Be on the lookout for a bull icon floating somewhere in the environment. Picking this up temporarily places you atop a rampaging and indestructible bull that can smash through just about everything.
-You need to be in the left or right lane to turn down side streets.
-Run into rockets to travel high into the air. This is the best to way to access otherwise unreachable areas.
-Always remember that you can bump into other runners to move them out of the way. You can even jump on bulls instead of maneuvering around these creatures. You'll receive stars for doing this.
-Not a fan of your character? You can change it by selecting the icon on the top right, then selecting Avatars. As you'll see, there are many to choose from.
-View your profile to see your highest score, longest distance and most stars.
Tips From Zynga
-Swiping down causes the player to slide. Can be used to go under low objects as well as tackle other runners.
-Slide into as many objects as you can, as this will significantly increase your Star store count.
-Swiping down in mid air will bring you back to Earth much faster than just landing regularly.
-Having trouble beating your friend's score? Try spending some gems on boosts at the start of a round and upgrading their effectiveness as well.
-Need more gems for boosts? Finishing Collectible Tile Words are a good constant source of funds. Otherwise, check how far away you are from leveling up. The gem rewards for gaining a new level are hefty.
-If you're using one or more star multiplier boosts, make sure you collect as many stars as possible during your turn. Smashing into wooden breakables and completing star combos will help you there as well as the trusty star magnet pickup.
-Remember that you can lane switch in mid-air. This is very useful to jump from rafter to rafter avoiding heavy traffic below.
Download Running With Friends: iPhone|iPad

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 11:54 AM