Namco Bandai's Pac-Man dusted off his running shoes and set out to eat cookies and ghosts in the all-new Pac-Man Dash! for iOS and Android. With over 70 challenges to complete and Stamina to contend with, it's easy to get a little frustrated, but don't worry. These Pac-Man Dash! tips will keep the iconic mascot well fed.
-You can replay previously completed missions for more cookies.
-Don't worry about missing platforms. From what we've seen, Pac-Man cannot die.
-Eat as many ghosts as possible to add precious seconds to the clock. Keep in mind these ghosts grow progressively quicker. You may need to jump to devour the trickier ones.
-Keeping Pac-Man in the air for extended periods of time will quickly deplete the clock.
-You'll know you've completed an objective when a medal appears at the top right corner of the screen.
-Forget the mission altogether? Pause the game to view it.
-Perform well to earn Clear Bonuses. Namco Bandai will let you "rent" different characters for set periods of time and/or purchase them using cookies at reduced prices. Go ahead and give Spinner Ice Pac a try.
-Think of Stamina as chances to play Pac-Man Dash! You receive 10 right away. When those run out, you must wait until at least one refills over time to play again, or you can purchase Stamina from the shop.
-You can adjust button placement from the options menu. Look for the wrench icon.
-Save cookies to buy different items in the shop. Characters come with unique abilities that help make the game easier. Spinner Ice Pac lets you triple jump and freeze ghosts, while Cylindria helps Pac-Man snag far-away enemies.
-Make sure you choose the correct item to complete missions. If the objective involves dashing a set number of times, equip Dash. If you must eat a lot of ghosts, go with Cylindria. The game will let you know if you're prepared beforehand, which prevents you from wasting Stamina.
-The distance Pac-Man runs contributes to how many cookies he receives at the end of each level.
-Later this summer, you'll be able to purchase special Pac-Man toys and then scan the barcodes to access these characters in the game.
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