Friday, June 7, 2013

ScribbleMix Released For iOS And Android Devices

Given the success of Draw Something, not to mention the recent demise of the studio that created the game, it was only a matter of time until someone attempted to take the sketch-guessing crown from Zynga - and Disney reckons its the company to do it.

ScribbleMix is the result, a game where you and a friend take turns to sketch out a randomly selected phrase, while the other player attempts to guess the saying correctly. As well as general catchphrases and wordplay, you can expect a heavy dose of Disney-themed content to get stuck into.
The ad-supported version of ScribbleMix is free to download, and you can do just that via the links below.
Download ScribbleMix - iOS | Android

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 5:45 AM