Saturday, July 20, 2013

Just 2 Words Answers Level 11-20 Cheats

Just 2 Words is a new app by Adveractive Inc. which involves solving puzzles to guess 2 words. You will be shown two images and these two together form two words for solution. I will be sharing answers to all levels of Just 2 Words here, if you need help with any specific level contact us via the comment.

Just 2 Words Level 11: EYE EXAM – Hint: I’m not a huge fan of going to the optometrist, but it’s actually time for me to go again. It’s time for me to get an ____ ____. I’m also planning to talk to the doctor about LASIK surgery.
Just 2 Words Level 12: STRIKE GOLD – Hint: Here’s some help to solve this puzzle…Assume that all those pins get knocked down in the top photo and look at the woman’s jewelry and what it’s made of in the bottom photo.
Just 2 Words Level 13: BE QUIET - You are reading a book in a library. It’s very quiet and you are very relaxed. All of a sudden the person next to you starts talking on the phone. You want this person to ____ ____.
Just 2 Words Level 14: TIME TRAVEL – Hint: This is actually one of my favorite subjects within the science fiction genre. H.G. Wells wrote about this and it’s featured in movies like “The Terminator” and “Back to the Future.”
Just 2 Words Level 15: PARTY ANIMAL – Hint: This is what you would call a very social person who likes to go to and has a lot of fun at social gatherings. This type of person is usually fun but might sometimes be “too much fun.”
Just 2 Words Level 16: ARCTIC OCEAN – Hint: You’re in Barrow, Alaska. Not sure what you’re doing there, but you want to go swimming. You may have to cut through the ice, but if you wanted to, you could swim in the ____ ____.
Just 2 Words Level 17: FILTHY RICH – Hint: If you are outrageously wealthy, then you could be called this. Here’s an extra “punny” clue like I would use in Jumble: “The owner of the washing machine company was this.”
Just 2 Words Level 18: CRY WOLF – Hint: You’ll be able to figure this out if you get what type of animal this is. It’s a canine that when spelled backwards creates a word that means “stream movement.”
Just 2 Words Level 19: BASEBALL DIAMOND – Hint: This is something you can see at Fenway Park or Yankee Stadium. I grew up in Connecticut and wanted to pitch for the Boston Red Sox one day. I’d better just stick to making puzzles.
Just 2 Words Level 20: HUMAN NATURE – Hint: I consider this to be a pretty tough puzzle, so I’m not surprised that you’re now asking me for a little help. Clue: “This dictates your behavior as a person; Common qualities to all people.”

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 3:15 PM