I am sure you love riddles just as much as we do, and that is why we are going to give you a helping hand with Riddle on the Wall. Answers, cheats, solutions: call them as you want, one thing is clear: we have the riddles solved and we’re sharing the knowledge. So if you got stuck along the way and had no idea what to do, our Riddle on the Wall answers should give you a helping hand.
We’ll start with the first set of riddles and as we complete them, we will publish more and more answers articles, so make sure you stay tuned with us! (you can search in this article for the riddle to find exactly what you are looking for!)

Riddle on the Wall level 31 answer
Riddle: When boiled it is hard to beat. It must be striped in order to eat. What is it?Answer: Egg
Riddle on the Wall level 32 answer
Riddle: What loses its head in the morning but gets it back at night?Answer: Pillow
Riddle on the Wall level 33 answer
Riddle: What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?Answer: Palm Tree
Riddle on the Wall level 34 answer
Riddle: What lives in the corner but travels the world?Answer: Postage
Riddle on the Wall level 35 answer
Riddle: Though he shaves each and every day, Bob has a beard that never goes away. What is he?Answer: Barber
Riddle on the Wall level 36 answer
Riddle: Deeper than the sea, more intriguing than space. Mine is different than yours. This is what a mind is for. What is it?Answer: Thought
Riddle on the Wall level 37 answer
Riddle: Explosive as the daylight, with the dust it teases. It whispers through the willows, and wreak havoc with the leaves. What is it?Answer: Wind
Riddle on the Wall level 38 answer
Riddle: Get me to a drink, look through me to see. As I drop get a broom, in order to clean and sweep. What am I?Answer: Glass
Riddle on the Wall level 39 answer
Riddle: What do many boats, shovels, laundries, whistles and hot showers have in common?Answer: Steam
Riddle on the Wall level 40 answer
Riddle: A man in white, he’s quite a sight. When he feels the sun, he starts to run. What am I?Answer: Snowman
Riddle on the Wall level 41 answer
Riddle: This thing was here since the world began, yet it is never more than a month old. What is it?Answer: Moon
Riddle on the Wall level 42 answer
Riddle: This thing is more useful when it is broken. What is it?Answer: Egg
Riddle on the Wall level 43 answer
Riddle: Tool of thief, toy of queen. Always used to be unseen. Sign of joy, sign of sorrow. Giving all likeness borrowed. What is it?Answer: Mask
Riddle on the Wall level 44 answer
Riddle: I am something quite. I can be happiness, sadness or fear. I can show or just be gone, but I’ll come back not before long.Answer: Feelings
Riddle on the Wall level 45 answer
Riddle: Who spends the day at the window, goes to the table for meals and hides at night?Answer: Fly