Monday, June 3, 2013

Escape Challenge Level 3 Answer Solutions

This walkthrough tutorial shows you one way to Escape Challenge Level 3 answer, Please see This method you can use and it’s easy!

* Escape Challenge Level 3 Answer Solutions
To Open the doors, at this level, You enter the number 2103 and use a key
* Please follow the instructions below:
- Take a screwdriver on the right and use to pick up the key (the egg-shaped object of red and gold on the top shelf on the left)
- Use the buttons on the hatch on the ground and took the key.
- Notice there are four colored numbers:
1. Green = 5 (on a roll next to where the screwdriver)
2. Red = 2 (at the factory on the shelf)
3. Blue = 4 (on a computer screen)
4. Yellow = 3 (the snowglobe on the shelf)
- Enter the number 5243 to the red bag on the ground and press the latch to open it.
- grab the key and use the key to open the door on the right side
- Use another key to open the container and take the blue key stone in the
- To open the door, Use the key

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 9:50 AM