Thursday, July 4, 2013

Escape Challenge Level 7 Walkthrough

Escape Challenge Walkthrough Level 1-9 for iPhone, iPad, Android with explanation for every detail part of the Game App. Help you solve all the levels in this game.
This is a room escape game where you need to escape several rooms in order to complete the game.
Are you able to escape the rooms?
More levels coming every month. Keep the app in order to be up to date.

Escape Challenge Level 7 Walkthrough for iPhone, iPad Android to help you solved this level.
  • Check the painting on the right.
  • Tap the floor below the sofa and play the puzzle, answer is showing in the painting.
  • Collect a handle from inside, and collect another beside the sofa.
  • Now use both handle to open the cover on the left and collect a screwdriver.
  • Use screwdriver to open the small cabinet and collect a key.
  • Use key to open the cabinet on the left.
  • The box is showing DDxC. A=1, B=2, C=3 and D=4.
  • So 44 x 3 = 132.
  • Tap in 132 to unlock the box and use collect a key to open door.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 4:39 AM