Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Little Riddles Cheats

With 14 random letters and sentence, can you guess the riddle word ? the puzzle question some are easy, some are hard so if you need any clue to solve them just search them in little riddles cheats ! if you don’t want to use the direct answer then you can also use the hints, remove letters or ask your friends on instagram and facebook for help !

Little Riddles – Word Game by Juxta Labs
in this solutions you will see level 101 – 300, if you’re looking for the previous one.. go to little riddles answers
level 101 : A small paradise surrounded by dry heat. Some have Wonderwalls = oasis
level 102 : If you’re worried that grandpa will bite, just remove these = dentures
level 103 : Mad bats and dogs carry this = rabies
level 104 : Sounds like he works on public transportation but he really works in a restaurant = busboy
level 105 : Retired people want these to be large and birds want them to hatch = nesteggs
level 106 : Mobsters judge the quality of a vehicle by the size of this = trunk
level 107 : The Titanic is still chilling here = atlantic
level 108 : This patch of land stands alone = island
level 109 : Securing your documents is easy with these trusty metal objects = staples
level 110 : Found at the back of a book or in an abdomen = appendix

level 111 : These suck = vacuum
level 112 : A gentleman whose offspring have successfully produced offspring of their own = grandpa
level 113 : Where food goes to get nuked = microwave
level 114 : If you’re on a diet, smelling a fresh pan of brownies could be described as this = torture
level 115 : Announcing to the world that you’ve recently enjoyed a fizzy beverage = belch
level 116 : You’ll see savory dishes in Hong Kong sizzling in these = wok
level 117 : Aquatic creature whose name is rather “tight” = seal
level 118 : A pony trots his way through the world on these = hoof
level 119 : Kids love this bouncy, sugary, treat. It’s like colorful rubber that you can eat = jello
level 120 : He has a genie to thank for the fact that he married a princess = aladdin

level 121 : A piece of paper that determines the academic fate of kids everywhere = reportcard
level 122 : The artistic vandal’s best friend = spraypaint
level 123 : Thousands of these come together to make a digital image = pixel
level 124 : What you do to determine the length of something = measure
level 125 : If you are unsure how to use one then just ask a flight attendant = seatbelt
level 126 : This man has an obsession with spinach = popeye
level 127 : Low on cash? Pick out items from this rack = clearance
level 128 : This falls from the mouths of babies and Homer Simpson when he sees doughnuts = drool
level 129 : These are great fun until you realize you don’t have all the pieces = puzzle
level 130 : Helps carry your books to school = backpack
level 131 : The offspring of a feline and a Xerox machine = copycat
level 132 : When put in a pot of boiling water they scream = lobster
level 133 : Could be described as the cranium’s version of snow = dandruff
level 134 : Cute, cuddly canine children = puppy
level 135 : Ladies used to party with this kitchen device = tupperware
level 136 : Scottish knee-length formal wear for men = kilt
level 137 : What scientists might call your pooch = canine
level 138 : The line in your hair = part
level 139 : High fat reward for making it through another solar cycle = cake
level 140 : A delicious way of presenting numbers = piechart
level 141 : These make grown men dance in end zones = touchdown
level 142 : The ninja turtles call this place home, as do mythical alligators = sewer
level 143 : A spent round or a slimy critter = slug
level 144 : Between you and the net stands this vigilant protector of the scoreboard = goalie
level 145 : Directions from outer space = GPS
level 146 : The line a runner strives to reach = finish
level 147 : Warns of deflating tires and serpents = hiss
level 148 : You are owed one of these when someone wrongs you = apology
level 149 : The King of Pop’s stellar dance move = moonwalk
level 150 : A first job for many kids, this could be described as “Media Distribution Management” = paperroute
level 151 : What a South American might say to a friend as they depart = adios
level 152 : Standard issue tool for Fairy Godmothers and wizards = magicwand
level 153 : A performer counts on these folks for applause = audience
level 154 : What Botox will do to your expression = paralyze
level 155 : Indiana Jones likes to crack this = whip
level 156 : Both a currency and an antlered male = buck
level 157 : Where you deposit the red stuff from your veins = bloodbank
level 158 : Timid or weak people are said to not have these = backbone
level 159 : A toothy nocternal immortal = vampire
level 160 : I can’t believe it’s not = butter
level 161 : Sand + Net + Bikini = volleyball
level 162 : How a big, hibernating mammal would show affection = bearhug
level 163 : An acceptable act of violence on Saint Patrick’s Day = pinch
level 164 : A prehistoric reptile that lives today and the inspiration for the name of a popular sports drink = gator
level 165 : Little piggies you look down at every day = toe
level 166 : The homes of tiny creatures that collect in corners if you aren’t vigilant about dusting = web
level 167 : They don’t forget = elephant
level 168 : Hearing something unexpected or touching a live wire can have this effect = shocking
level 169 : Can be found in the drink aisle or on a body-builder’s torso = sixpack
level 170 : An appropriately loud response to fear, excitement, or your team scoring = yell
level 171 : Perhaps the most important adjective for ballerinas and princesses = gracefull
level 172 : Rotten trees and Jack-O-Lanterns have this characteristic in common = hollow
level 173 : Your computer’s version of white-out = delete
level 174 : Hold these between your knees if you want to set a cuban beat = bongos
level 175 : Petting a feline often evokes this response = purr
level 176 : When everyone stares at clocks and then starts smooching = newyears
level 177 : To moisten your peepers you must do this = blink
level 178 : The celebrities of high school were part of this crowd = popular
level 179 : Without this, H2O would just be 2O = hydrogen
level 180 : Thanks for such treasures as Mariachis, enchiladas and habanero = mexico
level 181 : A popular afterlife destination to send people, when you’re mad at them = hell
level 182 : A toy that requires some string and a breezy day = kite
level 183 : The one fashion accessory farmers and hipsters can agree upon = suspenders
level 184 : A section of the calendar dedicated to mother nature = earthday
level 185 : The main difference between us and zombies = life
level 186 : Causes bad breath and frightens blood-suckers = garlic
level 187 : Drop this to stop a boat = anchor
level 188 : An office supply that’s shaped like a trombone = paperclip
level 189 : They cut doors in half and wear wooden shoes = dutch
level 190 : Proof you’ve done your time in school = diploma
level 191 : The athletically challenged spend a good deal of time on this seat made of pine = bench
level 192 : A certain wizard resided in a city made from this gemstone = emerald
level 193 : Millions of these are crushed every morning to help people wake up = coffeebean
level 194 : Rueben and Monte Cristo are two delicious varieties of this = sandwich
level 195 : Famous for cheese, wine and saying ’ooo la la’ = french
level 196 : Aliens in Toy Story call this their leader = claw
level 197 : Daily ritual of scraping a metal tool on the body = shave
level 198 : Come November 1st, many of these will be found smashed on sidewalks = pumpkin
level 199 : Maritime marauders = pirate
level 200 : You’ll have to consult an optometrist if you want to improve this = sight
level 201 : One who has offended the government and has been detained by it = prisoner
level 202 : Probably the most famous dinner-party in history = lastsupper
level 203 : Rappers and Mr. T wear these in abundance = goldchain
level 204 : Fighting technique taken from rams = headbutt
level 205 : This royal young lady had several short men following her and helping her in the forest = snowwhite
level 206 : One might hang a locket from this = necklace
level 207 : Ingredients: apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, canteloupe. Instructions toss = fuitsalad
level 208 : Makeup for your digits = nailpolish
level 209 : You might accuse someone living with a stolen identity of being this = imposter
level 210 : Royalty whose bugers are broiled and whose bed is large = king

level 211 : Goth guys and women enhance their visual organs with this item = eyeliner
level 212 : There is a television show dedicated to busting these tales of yore = myth
level 213 : Doing this on your Visa could result in being in debt for a long time = maxout
level 214 : A desire to consume = hunger
level 215 : Grandmothers like to pinch these = cheeks
level 216 : If it weren’t for these, no one would be aware of Idaho’s existence = potato
level 217 : Sauerkraut owes its existence to this head = cabbage
level 218 : A mini solar powered computer designed to help you pass Algebra = calculator
level 219 : A stellar five-limbed sea creature = starfish
level 220 : A DJ does this to records. I do it to mosquito bites = scratch

level 221 : Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce and cheese in a sesame seed bun = bigmac
level 222 : It’s anything but amusing when this body part gets hit = funnybone
level 223 : The way a kicker scores 3 points = fieldgoal
level 224 : The distance from the top of your head to the floor standing up straight = height
level 225 : Plant whose name sounds like a dish full of dairy spread = buttercup
level 226 : Something you do with guests at a fancy party hoping to get a leg-up in your career = schmooze
level 227 : Beautiful girls strut and sexy men ’do their little turn’ on this = catwalk
level 228 : Lunch money thief and distributor of wedgies = bully
level 229 : If someone calls you this, it might be time to consider hot wax = hairy
level 230 : Some people count these. Some just consume them = calories
level 231 : Found new creative way to get people to stuff themselves with Doritos = tacobell
level 232 : Hurts when it breaks and if it stops, you are dead = heart
level 233 : A storm in your cranium = headache
level 234 : Men cut this by attaching a razor to a broom handle or just have their wives do it = backhair
level 235 : Sometimes called chips and served with fish = frenchfry
level 236 : You do this when you say goodbye to a sweetheart = kiss
level 237 : A surly green puppet calls this filthy place his home = trashcan
level 238 : A desert oasis where money magically disappears from your pocket = lasvegas
level 239 : These are the bumpy parts of your digits = knuckle
level 240 : If someone offers you one of these, they had a successful fishing trip or their band just broke up = bass
level 241 : The cozy place Dracula rests = coffin
level 242 : You may have to assure your date’s dad that you have these kind of intentions = honorable
level 243 : The go-to weapon for science fiction heroes = laser
level 244 : People chop this off for a good cause = hair
level 245 : The Black Pearl was this type of criminal seafaring vessel = pirateship
level 246 : A salutation from the islands = aloha
level 247 : Fred and Wilma’s child, named after a stone = pebbles
level 248 : It is edible, a color and is best in summer = peach
level 249 : Slang for the male half in a marriage = hubby
level 250 : Causes the involuntary transportation of your vehicle = towtruck
level 251 : A dark-colored creature serenaded by Lennon and McCartney = blackbird
level 252 : Devils, unicorns and goats all share this feature = horn
level 253 : Handy when you need to measure something or run a kingdom = ruler
level 254 : They eat homes from the inside out = termite
level 255 : Temporary shiny food covering = aluminum
level 256 : If you rub this there is a possibility of a magical fat man coming out = lamp
level 257 : They say each one is totally unique = snowflake
level 258 : The epic tale of two women battling over a sparkly pair of shoes = wizardofoz
level 259 : Brings the sky a lot closer = telescope
level 260 : If you suffer from this, you might wear a wig = baldness
level 261 : If you’re stealing honey, be prepared to receive vengeance in this form = sting
level 262 : Brings celebrities into your home every night = television
level 263 : They’re swimmers now, but later will make excellent hoppers = tadpole
level 264 : Looks like a hippo crossed with a unicorn = rhino
level 265 : A single seater best accompanied by circus music and great balance = unicycle
level 266 : A standard dimension for sandwiches and rulers = footlong
level 267 : A path of cow juice spread across the sky = milkyway
level 268 : The electronic version of junk mail or salty meat in a can = spam
level 269 : The time in your life when you simultaneously know everything and nothing = teenager
level 270 : Humans have two that shrink in the light and expand in the dark = pupil
level 271 : When kings, queens knights and bishops go to war = chess
level 272 : Lather rinse repeat = shampoo
level 273 : Scholastic transportation = schoolbus
level 274 : In addition to the dental benefits, having one of these hanging out of your mouth will make you look like a wiseguy = toothpick
level 275 : Someone who is enthusiastic about tending the garden is said to have this appendage = greenthumb
level 276 : Has 88 keys, but not one of them will open a door = piano
level 277 : A plant named after a light source = sunflower
level 278 : Used to yell in a text = caps
level 279 : According to Hollywood, the men of this ancient city wore leather speedos and waxed their chests = sparta
level 280 : The edge of earth and bread = crust
level 281 : If you spot one of these eastern warriors, they’re not doing their job right = ninja
level 282 : Hot tempered and sometimes it blows its top, making a mess of everything = volcano
level 283 : Can describe a distress signal or flashy accessories = flare
level 284 : Material for making balls and men that only shows up at certain times of the year = snow
level 285 : Possibly the only plumber ever to rescue a princess = mario
level 286 : Cause deflation of tires when dropped from the rear of spy cars = spikes
level 287 : A life or death skill for gunifghters = quickdraw
level 288 : Don’t forget to do this before blowing out the candles = wish
level 289 : These women make princesses scrub floors and sometimes try to poison them with apples = stepmother
level 290 : Causes dancing in children when it fills up = bladder
level 291 : This type of cuisine is independent of utensils and usually tastes better than it sounds = fingerfood
level 292 : Rebecca Black and The Cure are in love with this 24 hour time period = friday
level 293 : Describes universities like Harvard and can be poisonous = ivy
level 294 : If you are a man then your best friend will eat this for dinner = dogfood
level 295 : Without coolant, you’ll have some trouble with this = radiator
level 296 : Disgusting creatures that would survive a nuclear strike = roach
level 297 : Slithery critters with a taste for dirt = earthworm
level 298 : Out of all the celestial bodies, this one has the funniest name = uranus
level 299 : A favored material among biker gangs and superheroes = leather
level 300 : You speak this when you are being sincere = truth
level 301 : A disposable item to keep your waste organized = trashbag
level 302 : These people cannot be choosers = beggars
level 303 : A blind superhero and Evel Knievel’s profession = daredevil
level 304 : Bumpy form of transportation in desert cultures = camel
level 305 : If you agree give me one of these = amen
level 306 : When I type I tap these on the keys = fingertips
level 307 : The profession of Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton = guitarist
level 308 : Thinkers hold this body part = chin
level 309 : An ancient suit that is not worn with a tie = armor
level 310 : Good for telling the future or racking up in a game = eightball
level 311 : Dragons are known to do this to their gold = hoard
level 312 : If you wake at dawn, you’ll probably find this covering the lawn = dew
level 313 : People like this usually live in rural areas, unless they strike oil and move to beverly hills = hillbilly
level 314 : Cockroaches and illegal drug labs are afraid of this = raid
level 315 : Makes dough grow = yeast
level 316 : Sore losers are often called the sour variety of this fruit = grape
level 317 : Sometimes known to have silver linings = cloud
level 318 : The original 49ers and opportunistic women share this nickname = golddigger
level 319 : A gruesome betrayal = backstab
level 320 : A hammer that brings a room to order = gavel
level 321 : When a doctor hits you with a hammer he is testing this = reflex
level 322 : The point of a Dear John Letter = breakup
level 323 : Men in skirts blow into these = bagpipes
level 324 : Doing something of this nature is likely to land you in court = illegal
level 325 : An animal who gives away money and says moo = cashcow
level 326 : Not the skinniest of felines = fatcat
level 327 : Term for male grooming = manscape
level 328 : What you become during a workout = sweaty
level 329 : His big belly supposedly has the ability to dispense good fortune = buddha
level 330 : If you’re hunting a werewolf, be sure to have these expensive bullets = silver
level 331 : A weighty currency = pound
level 332 : A person who has powers to save the day = superman
level 333 : A natural tattoo on babies = birthmark
level 334 : A cat-like nickname for those of the left handed persuasion = southpaw
level 335 : These are great, floaty fun until they explode and give you a little scare = balloon
level 336 : They come in a tin can and are known to cure halitosis = altoids
level 337 : The lunch destination of choice for teenagers and hospital employees = cafeteria
level 338 : Makes wooden boys noses grow = fib
level 339 : A mechanism to discover who is following you = rearview
level 340 : Wearing one of these warm garments around might get you doused in red paint = furcoat
level 341 : Found at the end of rainbows = pots
level 342 : Children keep their assets in this = piggybank
level 343 : Environmentalists want to keep this from drying = wetland
level 344 : Sends paper without using the post office = fax
level 345 : Every team needs one of these before hitting the field. Get pumped = peptalk
level 346 : Something you carry while singing = tune
level 347 : Reserved for royalty and damaged teeth = crown
level 348 : The preferred color of carpet in this town is red = hollywood
level 349 : This is the tallest peak in the happiest place on earth = matterhorn
level 350 : Goliath, The Jolly Green and Andre are all examples of this = giant
level 351 : She is covered in dust and always jealous = tinkerbell
level 352 : Possibly the word most commonly said before taking a sip = cheers
level 353 : The father of Mickey Mouse = waltdisney
level 354 : Your stomach’s way of letting you know you’ve neglected it = grumble
level 355 : Those who stand vigil by the shore = coastguard
level 356 : The enemy of the lactose intolerant = dairy
level 357 : When someone uses this acronym, you know you’ve got to pick up the pace = ASAP
level 358 : Peaches and a certain Couture have this in common = juicy
level 359 : Found under bridges and on the Internet = troll
level 360 : Hairdo for nascar fans = mullet
level 361 : Can be used onstage or to express admiration = props
level 362 : They produce pies and burgers and are great for tipping = cows
level 363 : The offspring of a circle and a rectangle = oval
level 364 : A stylish winter top that covers your larynx = turtleneck
level 365 : Racers are asked to start these at nascar events = engine
level 366 : Hoofed frolicking = horseplay
level 367 : Serves as a go between in business = middleman
level 368 : A setting that proved to be deadly for Abraham Lincoln = theater
level 369 : A crafty use of long pieces of wool to make a scarf = knit
level 370 : A great mystery that the bold have been known to journey into = unknown
level 371 : A bird that is too large to fly = bigbird
level 372 : Santa’s favorite entrance for home invasion = chimney
level 373 : A group that manages the winged engines of war = airforce
level 374 : The possession of two left feet will probably rule out your prospects as this kind of professional = dancer
level 375 : Often found in doctor’s offices and pirate flags = skeleton
level 376 : In the garden of Eden this was a fashion statement = figleaf
level 377 : The ball drops when the clock hits this = midnight
level 378 : Diamonds and stress have this to thank for their existence = pressure
level 379 : They come in many varieties: Red, Black, Dead, and Caspian to name a few = sea
level 380 : A person who chews the ends of their fingers = nailbiter
level 381 : It was fully armed and operational when Lando attacked in Han’s spaceship = deathstar
level 382 : Where humans breath liquid = womb
level 383 : Do this to your gifts to make them festive = wrap
level 384 : Ambitious people will climb the social version of this contraption = ladder
level 385 : Batman, Archie, Betty and Veronica all started as these = comicbooks
level 386 : The little pink nub that helps rectify mistakes = eraser
level 387 : Tiny creatures that have a special relationship with flowers = bumblebee
level 388 : Autumn leaves and bad bowlers wreak havoc on this = gutter
level 389 : They strangle flowers = weeds
level 390 : Kids play it and Michelangelo sculpted with it = marble
level 391 : Certain worms and Amazon.com like these = books
level 392 : One of the few vegetables that is routinely consumed with marshmallows = yam
level 393 : Doing this with your job can be risky but doing it with smoking is always a good idea = quit
level 394 : Being able to interpret the letters on this screen proves that you have this quality = literate
level 395 : An accessory sported by many construction workers = hardhat
level 396 : Talks like this, a green wise man does. Guess my clue, you will = yoda
level 397 : One of the few times it’s encouraged to lock lips with a stranger = CPR
level 398 : Makes apples fall from trees = gravity
level 399 : Used to keep prisoners silent and to make temporary repairs on cars = ducttape
level 400 : A toasty and crunchy cereal would be pointless without this spice = cinnamon

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 3:45 PM