Tuesday, May 28, 2013

100 Brands Answers All Levels Complete Walkthrough

Have you tried the game 100 Brands by The Wild Labs? If you have you might be looking for some help with some of the levels, as some of them are quite difficult!
That’s why we’ve decided to help you with that, by giving you the answers for all the levels.
There’s currently 87 levels in this game, all of the answers can be found below.
The game is currently available for iOS devices in AppStore and for Android on Google Play!
The levels seem to be random for different devices. Because of this we’ll be giving you the answer and the text below the image.
That way you can just search for the text below the image and find the answer that you’re looking for.
If you’re on a Mac simply press cmd+f to make the search bar appear. On a PC you’ll need to press ctrl+f.
You can also try and search for what you see in the images in those levels where there’s not text below the image, I’ve tried to write what I see on the images.

100 Brands Level 1-45 Answers
100 Brands Level 1 Answer: You can’t just eat one = Doritos
100 Brands Level 2 Answer: Once you pop, you can’t stop = Pringles
100 Brands Level 3 Answer: a yellow jar = Play Doh
100 Brands Level 4 Answer: A red brick = Lego
100 Brands Level 5 Answer: There’s no wrong way to eat a ___ = Reeses
100 Brands Level 6 Answer: Does she…or doesn’t she? = Clairol
100 Brands Level 7 Answer: a box = UPS
100 Brands Level 8 Answer: a camera = Nikon
100 Brands Level 9 Answer: The freshmaker = Mentos
100 Brands Level 10 Answer: Gotta have my pops = Corn Pops
100 Brands Level 11 Answer: a tv = Nickelodeon
100 Brands Level 12 Answer: chocolate = Cadbury
100 Brands Level 13 Answer: Macaroni & Cheese = Kraft
100 Brands Level 14 Answer: They’rrrre Gr-r-reat! = Frosted Flakes
100 Brands Level 15 Answer: Gimme a Break, Gimme a Break = Kit Kat
100 Brands Level 16 Answer: Makes mouths happy = Twizzlers
100 Brands Level 17 Answer: Finger-lickin good = KFC
100 Brands Level 18 Answer: The happiest place on earth = Disney
100 Brands Level 19 Answer: a cup of coffee = Starbucks
100 Brands Level 20 Answer: a blue bottle = Listerine
100 Brands Level 21 Answer: Eat fresh = Subway
100 Brands Level 22 Answer: The thirst quencher = Gatorade
100 Brands Level 23 Answer: Two for me none for you = Twix
100 Brands Level 24 Answer: a red coffee cup = Nescafe
100 Brands Level 25 Answer: Look ma! no cavities! = Crest
100 Brands Level 26 Answer: I go cukoo for ___ = Cocoa Puffs
100 Brands Level 27 Answer: Drivers Wanted = Volkswagen
100 Brands Level 28 Answer: A computer mouse = Logitech
100 Brands Level 29 Answer: Always ___ = Coca Cola
100 Brands Level 30 Answer: A headset = Beats
100 Brands Level 31 Answer: You’re not you when you’re hungry. = Snickers
100 Brands Level 32 Answer: Taste the rainbow = Skittles
100 Brands Level 33 Answer: Do the Dew = Mountain Dew
100 Brands Level 34 Answer: Vanilla ice cream = Haagen Dazs
100 Brands Level 35 Answer: Snap! Crackle! Pop! = Rice Krispies
100 Brands Level 36 Answer: A moisturizing cream = Dove
100 Brands Level 37 Answer: It’s not just a mint = Tic Tac
100 Brands Level 38 Answer: A search engine = Google
100 Brands Level 39 Answer: zoom zoom = Mazda
100 Brands Level 40 Answer: Crayons = Crayola
100 Brands Level 41 Answer: 57 varieties = Heinz
100 Brands Level 42 Answer: A razor = Gillette
100 Brands Level 43 Answer: A game console = Nintendo
100 Brands Level 44 Answer: A green ginger ale can = Canada dry
100 Brands Level 45 Answer: A beer bottle = Heineken

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 2:45 PM