Thursday, April 25, 2013

What’s the Saying Answers Level 101 – 150

More solution cheats for what’s the saying answers level 101 – 150 ! get the help you need with the picture details of each objects that you can get into some words on the walkthrough list below
Can you beat all 150 rebus puzzles ? each pic hides a common word phrase ! an iphone game by Cheat Master And Friends Words Cheats LLC
what saying cheats level 101 – 150 answers :
level 101 : 1 stickman think bbb 2 stickman word bubble = think before you speak
level 102 : 4 meta = metaphor
level 103 : love 1. sight = love at first sight
level 104 : no x qqqq = no excuse
level 105 : cover police hat = undercover cop
level 106 : E 4 anything = ready for anything
level 107 : stickman on earth globe = on top of the world
level 108 : brain and periodic table = mind over matter
level 109 : ten good tions = good intentions
level 110 : glass box inside = inside out
level 111 : vice vice + = advice
level 112 : 4 bee oar knot = to be or not to be
level 113 : stickman inside box = inside man
level 114 : lover star = star crossed lovers
level 115 : woman silhouette = woman on the side
level 116 : fair on square = fair and square
level 117 : u 111 = someone is behind you
level 118 : tick on feet film = feature film
level 119 : 2 dice = paradise
level 120 : time = ready in time
level 121 : 2 docks = paradox
level 122 : zero phd md bs mba ba = five degrees below zero
level 123 : touch = touch up
level 124 : moon = moonrise
level 125 : point = vanishing point
level 126 : 5 E = ready for more
level 127 : rose inside ring = ring around the rosie
level 128 : town in the middle of W A L K = walk around town
level 129 : block in the middle of W A L K = walk around the block
level 130 : 6 people running empty = running on empty
level 131 : 11111111 clock = once upon a time
level 132 : 2 wedding couple plus + = summary
level 133 : man with beard chess = man overboard
level 134 : vit_min = vitamin a deficiency
level 135 : 2 inside one = two in one
level 136 : 3 sugar x = sugar cube
level 137 : di scale et = balanced diet
level 138 : music note hair = quarter back
level 139 : town arc tick circle = arctic circle
level 140 : man playing soccer bulb = neon light
level 141 : guard rose N = rose garden
level 142 : TTTT ear corn = forty years
level 143 : 9 cut = cut above the rest
level 144 : honey bottle moon = honeymoon
level 145 : hand point AM you you = top of the morning to you
level 146 : jack card inside box = jack in the box
level 147 : bee and man go out = believe
level 148 : fast = breakfast
level 149 : hand scissors paper rock 6 heart cards = all hands on deck
level 150 : 10 ants = tenant

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 3:43 AM