Wednesday, April 24, 2013

100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Doors Level 31-35 ---> Auto-exeM

Solution to 100 Doors of Revenge for doors 31 to 35.  Detail answers with full explanation to the puzzles.  If you are stuck, this is the place to find the solution.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 31
Mouse trap!

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 31
Pick up the kitchen knife.
Use the knife on the cheese, start from the bottom up.  When you get the piece of cheese, place it on the floor.  As soon as you placed all 5 pieces, the mice will come and sacrifice himself to get the door open.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 32
Numbers 1 to 8

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 32
You will get 2 seconds to look where the numbers 1 to 8 are.
Then you need to tap them from 1 to 8.
If you make a mistake, tap all of them and you will get a new pattern.
Each time the numbers will be at a random order.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 33
Red Green Blue

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 33
Shake your device to get a key.
Use the key to open the power box (the white box left of the door)
Count red objects: 3
Count green objects: 5
Count blue objects: 3
Use the code 353 on the keypad to solve level 33

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 34
Piles of wood

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 34
Shake your device so the pile of wood collapse.
Count the number of square logs: 8
Count the number of round logs: 13
The answer using the code above the door will be
8 13 21 (21 = 8 + 13)
Use the keypad and solve this puzzle with 81321

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 35
4 = 4 containers

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 35
You have 3 containers: 8, 3 and 5
You start with the water in 8 (8 gallons)
You need to get 4 gallons in the 8 gallon container and 4 in the 5 gallon container to win.
This is one possible sequence to get it right:
The first column will show you the move (tap the first one then tap the second one to make the move). The right hand column will show you how much is in each of the 3 containers after the move.
8 to 5.  3 0 5
5 to 3. 3 3 2
3 to 8. 6 0 2
5 to 3. 6 2 0
8 to 5. 1 2 5
5 to 3. 1 3 4
3 to 8. 4 0 4

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 12:36 PM