Wednesday, April 24, 2013

100 Doors Revenge Walkthrough Doors Level 36-40 ---> Auto-exeM

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Levels 36 to 40

Walkthrough for 100 Doors of Revenge with detailed answers, tips, tricks, hints, and cheats.
Your guide to solve 100 Doors of Revenge.
100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 36
Paint blobs
100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 36
Hint: There is a brown arrow pointing from right (blue) to left (red).  There is a blue arrow pointing down.
Start at the top row then work your way down.
On each row, tap the blue then green then red blob.
Door will open and level 36 will be solved.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 37
Welcome Diamonds
100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 37
Look at the welcome mat for a hint.  The arrow pointing through the different colors.
Press the diamonds in this order:
red, orange, yellow, green, cyan (light blue), dark blue, purple, magenta (pink), red

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 38
1 3 5 peanuts
100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 38
You need to solve the equation:
x1 + x2 = 52
x2 + x3 = 43
x3 + x4 = 34
x4 + x5 = 30
The total of all the values must be 100.
x1 = 27
x2 = 25
x3 = 18
x4 = 16
x5 = 14
Use the keypad and solve door 38 with the code: 271814  
(above the door it shows 1 3 5 so you use x1, x3 and x5)

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 39
Flags of the world
100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 39
You can tap around and get 4 flags: Brazil, Bahamas, France and Greece.
Green, Yellow, Blue - Brazil 
Blue, Yellow Black:  Bahamas. 
Blue, White, Red: France
Blue, White: Greece
Thank you to Pawel for the solution:

Solution for level 39.
It`s about first letters of colours and numbers,and their order of appearing in the names of countries. 
Flags,are brasil,france,greece,bahamas. 

So the solution is blue,red,5,red,green,red,blue,­­6.

100 Doors of Revenge Walkthrough Level 40
Add up to 15

100 Doors of Revenge Solution Door 40
You start off with the 5 in the middle, and to trick you, the 3 in the bottom left corner.
Hint: You can move the 3 away.
To solve this add-up-to-15 puzzle, the formula is easy:
The even-number goes to the 4 corners.
2-5-8 and 4-5-6.
Then just add the odd numbers so that each row adds up to 15.
Here is one possible solution:
And that is it!
Now we need to wait for the release of more levels.
Thank you for playing 100 Doors Of Revenge with me!
Hope this guide assisted you to get over the difficult puzzles.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 12:37 PM