Has been released. Game Modes: -ap, -ar, -ap2, -ar2, fixed a bug where “-ar” and “-ar2″ doesn’t work, in “-ar2″ and “-ap2″ modes, In this update added a new item, increased BKB’s duration from 9 to 12 and fixed grammar in Snow Owl’s skills. for more details, see my post below.
Crossover DotA 6.7 Map Features
- Size : 7.24 MB
- Category : Hero Defense
- Tileset : Felwood
- Dimensions : 192×192
- Playable Area : 180×188
- by : DarkWeaver
Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Crossover DotA 6.7 Map, latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!