What’s My Light Level Mod for Minecraft 1.4.7. Its in the name, the Mod helps you out with your light level.
What is light level?
When you place a torch or any light source it will give of light, that light only lasts for so many blocks, in mob spawners mobs can only spawn in a low light level. So What’s My Light Level Mod will allow you to check your light level and make an effective spawner. The light level is simply displayed in the top corner and as you walk about your light level will change, so the number will change.Changelogs
- Compatibility with Minecraft 1.4.7 Pre
- Fixes
How to Install What’s My Light Level Mod
- Open the files
- Backup everything just in case…I warned ya.
- Open your minecraft.jar
- If you’re using WMLL with other mods, check that WMLL is compatible with it. If it is, install WMLL after those mods. If it’s not, conitnue to install WMLL in no specific order, bearing in mind that you may experience issues when using WMLL.
- Put all the files into your previously opened Minecraft.jar
- Get rid of META-INF
- Close everything and enjoy Minecraft!
Last Updated: December 21, 2012
Download Minecraft What’s My Light Level Mod [1.4.7/1.4.6]: