Monday, January 21, 2013

The League of Legends thread new version

This'll be the thread where you can pop in and say hi, get to know each other, find friends to play with, and discuss general things together. If you have questions and they hardly qualify for a separate thread, post it here and the community will do its best to help you out.

If you're new to LoL, there are some things you should most certainly read up on before getting confused and resulting to asking questions.

Relevant links:

Learning Center - The official LoL learning center has a lot of valuable information you can use to get a basic grasp on what's to come. There's a lot to read, but it'll help you out greatly!

The Summoners Code - Please abide The Summoners Code, we here at MMOC only want to encourage good behaviour and we believe it's one of the most important things to take with you into your games. Be nice, be helpful, be patient, be stoic.

LoL Subreddit - Huge community with quick updates on pretty much everything, very worth following when you get used to the layout, which might seem confusing if it's your first time on Reddit.

If you're searching for help on how to build your champion (items, runes, masteries, etc.) there are numerable places you can go. Some of them are;

Additionally, if you wanna become even better, a site like is a great help. It is a site full of League of Legends statistics, streams, charts and more.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 6:44 AM