According to the same source who first leaked the existence of Monster Hunter 3G (also known as Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate) and Dragon Quest VII for 3DS is now reporting that Nintendo and Capcom signed a three year exclusivity contract for the Monster Hunter franchise sometime in 2011.
If this rumors turns out to be true, that means that while Monster Hunter 3: Ultimate and Monster Hunter 4 are currently 3DS exclusive, Capcom could port them to other systems, such as the Vita, once the three year contract is up. Of course, just because they can bring the game to other platforms doesn’t necessarily mean they will.
Do you want to see Monster Hunter 4 on the Vita, or are you happy with the current 3DS exclusivity? If this contract does exist, would it be financially viable for Capcom to port the games after they’ve already been available as a 3DS exclusive for such a