Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bring Back the Old Survivor new download free version

The over abusive meep Effect


The Arrow near the sham shows how close he was to the shaman (which isnt considered hugging
look how far he got shot there are plenty of ways to abuse this power)

The Cannon HotKeys


From The Beginning survivor has been about killing with skill and great aim
and being able to survive a good shaman now there's this cannon hotkey which makes it annoying since everyone is using it now it jus isnt the same no skill involved "Some people used it even before it was put for everyone" yes this is true but not everyone used it which was good

The Shaman Rotation


its like Shamming in a normal room, every time a new map starts you get 1 point, if u die you lose ur points,I have to say this is a bad idea it was better before when you were the last person to live you got shaman now you have to wait 20 mins for the map to end for a new one to start, im sure you all remember survivor+ which could have been a great game but because of this ruined it and also this update took it away for people who liked it

[Moderation] Brolow Has Failed *_* <-- these sexy bots are removed from survivor :/
[Moderation] Beware! of ihumanl



okay now portals are okay on the maps they were on before but now that this upadte acme around they are on every map which is horrible for example caged maps if the map creator wanted the shaman to be out fo the cage he would have made a way to get out of putting the portals on those makes no sense at all

I would like to also tell you all to notice that there are no rules to indicate to the new people in survivor how to avoid getting in trouble


Well Leave A Comment on whether you agree or not that it should be returned to the way it was before this "Amazing" update and don't forget to vote on the poll

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 1:38 PM