Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tiny Village Unlimited Coins Cheats Android free version New download

You Can Win This Game with help of cheats and tell your Friend I win this games in a day.

Only One Application Needs To Apply All Cheats:

Magic File

Steps For Apply Coins Cheats:

Open both Tiny Village, and GameGuardian.
Build a decoration that has a good pay out and a hour wait or longer (ex. purple furn).
After it is complete, run a fuzzy search with GameGuardian (the game will quit responding/ the screen turns black just for it run normally).
After a second goes by do a fuzzy search and click smaller.
Repeat step four until you have 20 values or less(the game will stop responding a lot. So wait until it responds and a second goes by to repeat .)
Save the longer values that start with 1's (ex. 1187068928)
Change their values to zero and lock it.
Touch the decoration(s) that you built in step one and you should get the coins for it*.
Repeat until your heart is satisfied.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 12:24 PM