Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pop Guess The Bronx Answers All Levels 1-50

Pop Guess The Bronx Answers All Levels 1-50 The Live Word Guessing Games, made by Candywriter, on iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad, iTouch), and see if you can figure out the most popular responses.

Here are Pop Guess Answers for The Bronx Levels:

Pop Guess The Bronx 1: Who is a politician you respect?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 1 Answer: OBAMA, BUSH, CLINTON

Pop Guess The Bronx 2: What is a country that speaks Spanish other than Spain?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 2 Answer: MEXICO, CUBA, USA

Pop Guess The Bronx 3: What is a famous band from the eighties?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 3 Answer: DURAN DURAN, JOURNEY, BON JOVI

Pop Guess The Bronx 4: What part of your body might you protect from a ravenous zombie?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 4 Answer: HEAD, BRAIN, NECK

Pop Guess The Bronx 5: What brand of car is simply not cool?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 5 Answer: FORD, KIA, TOYOTA

Pop Guess The Bronx 6: Which actor is the best at playing James Bond?

Pop Guess The Bronx 7: Which actor is the best at playing James Bond?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 7 Answer: DOG, BAT, SQUIRREL

Pop Guess The Bronx 8: What is a country a young person may backpack through?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 8 Answer: FRANCE, ITALY, USA

Pop Guess The Bronx 9: What is a word you would use to describe Brad Pitt?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 9 Answer: HOT, SEXY, HANDSOME

Pop Guess The Bronx 10: What is a dangerous extreme sport?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 10 Answer: SKYDIVING, SNOWBOARDING, SKIING

Pop Guess The Bronx 11: What is something many people are allergic to?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 11 Answer: PEANUTS, POLLEN, CATS

Pop Guess The Bronx 12: What is the most desired country to live in?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 12 Answer: USA, FRANCE, ITALY

Pop Guess The Bronx 13: What is an animated film little kids are obsessed with?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 13 Answer: CARS, FINDING NEMO, TOY STORY

Pop Guess The Bronx 14: What is the most desired quality when seeking a spouse?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 14 Answer: HONESTY, PERSONALITY, LOOKS

Pop Guess The Bronx 15: What is a disease you might pick up in a third world country?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 15 Answer: MALARIA, AIDS, FLU

Pop Guess The Bronx 16: What is the cutest animal in the animal kingdom?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 16 Answer: PANDA, MONKEY, KOALA

Pop Guess The Bronx 17: What is a brand of chocolate?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 17 Answer: HERSHEY, DOVE, GODIVA

Pop Guess The Bronx 18: What is the best smell in the world?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 18 Answer: FLOWERS, ROSES, COOKIES

Pop Guess The Bronx 19: What is something New York claims to have the best of?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 19 Answer: PIZZA, HOT DOGS, CHEESECAKE

Pop Guess The Bronx 20: Who is the most generous person in the world?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 20 Answer: BILL GATES, OPRAH, MOTHER TERESA

Pop Guess The Bronx 21: What airport would you avoid at all costs?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 21 Answer: LOS ANGELES, NEW YORK, ATLANTA

Pop Guess The Bronx 22: What superhero would be the most fun on a date?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 22 Answer: SUPERMAN, SPIDERMAN, BATMAN

Pop Guess The Bronx 23: What is your favorite color?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 23 Answer: BLUE, PURPLE, PINK

Pop Guess The Bronx 24: What household item is most important to your comfort?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 24 Answer: BED, COUCH, PILLOW

Pop Guess The Bronx 25: What is something you worry about running out of?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 25 Answer: MONEY, FOOD, TOILET PAPER

Pop Guess The Bronx 26: What is the most disgusting topping people put on pizza?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 26 Answer: ANCHOVIES, PINEAPPLE, MUSHROOM

Pop Guess The Bronx 27: Who is a singer that you are embarassed to admit you like?

Pop Guess The Bronx 28: What do you do in bed besides sleep?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 28 Answer: READ, CUDDLE, WATCH TV

Pop Guess The Bronx 29: Where is a place you may go on a cruise?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 29 Answer: BAHAMAS, HAWAII, ALASKA

Pop Guess The Bronx 30: What is something that you have to refrigerate after you open?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 30 Answer: MILK, MAYONNAISE, KETCHUP

Pop Guess The Bronx 31: What is a body part that people remove hair from?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 31 Answer: LEG, FACE, ARMPIT

Pop Guess The Bronx 32: What is something someone may fall into?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 32 Answer: HOLE, LOVE, POOL

Pop Guess The Bronx 33: hat is something a person may have to dig for?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 33 Answer: GOLD, TREASURE, BONES

Pop Guess The Bronx 34: hat is something a person may have to dig for?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 34 Answer: CLEANING, CHORES, HOMEWORK

Pop Guess The Bronx 35: What food is good for eating in the car?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 35 Answer: CHIPS, FRIES, BURGER

Pop Guess The Bronx 36: What is something everyone in the world should have a right to?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 36 Answer: VOTING, FREEDOM, SPEECH

Pop Guess The Bronx 37: What food may turn brown if left out?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 37 Answer: BANANA, APPLE, LETTUCE

Pop Guess The Bronx 38: What is a TV personality that should have their show cancelled?

Pop Guess The Bronx 39: What is a ten year old boys dream job?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 39 Answer: FIREMAN, ASTRONAUT, BASEBALL PLAYER

Pop Guess The Bronx 40: What is something that gets backed up?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 40 Answer: TOILET, COMPUTER, TRAFFIC

Pop Guess The Bronx 41: What is a celebrity that does a lot of good for the world?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 41 Answer: ANGELINA JOLIE, OPRAH, BRAD PITT

Pop Guess The Bronx 42: What is the worst thing to forget when leaving for vacation?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 42 Answer: MONEY, UNDERWEAR, CLOTHES

Pop Guess The Bronx 43: What is something that gets rolled up?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 43 Answer: SLEEPING BAG, RUG, NEWSPAPER

Pop Guess The Bronx 44: What is another word for nerd?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 44 Answer: GEEK, DORK, SMART

Pop Guess The Bronx 45: What is an insect that people typically like?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 45 Answer: BUTTERFLY, LADYBUG, ANT

Pop Guess The Bronx 46: What is something a family may share?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 46 Answer: FOOD, BATHROOM, CAR

Pop Guess The Bronx 47: What is the most commercialized holiday on the calendar?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 47 Answer: CHRISTMAS, VALENTINES, EASTER

Pop Guess The Bronx 48: What is a type of pudding?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 48 Answer: CHOCOLATE, VANILLA, TAPIOCA

Pop Guess The Bronx 49: What is a fashion magazine that comes to mind?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 49 Answer: VOGUE, ELLE, SEVENTEEN

Pop Guess The Bronx 50: What is a really successful British TV show?
Pop Guess The Bronx Level 50 Answer: DOCTOR WHO, X FACTOR, THE OFFICE

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 1:03 PM