Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mayan Escape Walkthrough Answers

Looking for Mayan Escape Walkthrough ? Well, make sure not to miss this article because we are going to share the walkthrough for Mayan Escape for now. For those of you who are not familiar yet with the game, Mayan Escape is a game that is developed by Coolbuddy.com and it is one of the Escape game that you can play in your android device. In the game, you will be trapped inside a Mayan room and you will need to find a way out to escape from the room. The only to do it is to pick and discover certain items in the game and solve the puzzles that are given in the game. And now, let’s check the walkthrough for Mayan Escape that we provide below :
  • Your way out is blocked by a big stone, and you need to remove it before you can escape from the room.
  • You need to turn to the right twice and turn to the left, then pick wooden pole that you see on the floor.
  • Find the valve keys (color coded), ruby keys, and amethyst keys. You can find the ruby and amethyst keys on the other side, turn to the right twice and you will see it. Pick them up.
  • Click the pole on the spider that is guarding the door to get Emerald key. You will need to click it several items before the web will be removed and you can attain the key.
  • Use all the keys that you have find on the valves (you can look it from the water pipe screen).
  • Align the pipes in the same pattern as we show below.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 2:56 PM