Here are answers for the Little Riddles app, the word game for your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. The game is available for free in the iTunes Store. It is a trivia word guessing game with riddle, much like 4 Pics 1 Word.
All Little Riddles answers are available on App Cheats. We have all the cheats, and solution guide you will need to advance in the game. Here are the answers to the very tricky and puzzling levels 501-520.
Little Riddles Answers Level 501 hint : I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old.
Answer: Candle
Little Riddles Answers Level 502 hint : What goes up when rain comes down?
Answer: Umbrella
Little Riddles Answers Level 503 hint : If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it
Answer: Secret
Little Riddles Answers Level 504 hint : What has a head, a tail, is brown and has no legs?
Answer: Penny
Little Riddles Answers Level 505 hint : I know a word of letters, three. Add two, and fewer there will be.
Answer: Few
Little Riddles Answers Level 506 hint : Say my name and I disappear
Answer: Silence
Little Riddles Answers Level 507 hint : What gets wetter, as it dries?
Answer: Towel
Little Riddles Answers Level 508 hint : I’m full of holes, yet I’m full of water
Answer: Sponge
Little Riddles Answers Level 509 hint : What has a neck and no head, two arms, but no hands?
Answer: Shirt
Little Riddles Answers Level 510 hint : Feed me and I live, give me drink and I die
Answer: Fire
Little Riddles Answers Level 511 hint : The more you take, the more you leave behind
Answer: Footstep
Little Riddles Answers Level 512 hint : If you drop me, I’m sure to crack, but give me a smile and I’ll always smile back
Answer: Mirror
Little Riddles Answers Level 513 hint : I go in dry and come out wet. The longer I’m in, the stronger I get
Answer: Teabag
Little Riddles Answers Level 514 hint : Tear one off and scratch my head. What once was red is black instead
Answer: Match
Little Riddles Answers Level 515 hint : What do you throw out to use and take in when you’re done?
Answer: Anchor
Little Riddles Answers Level 516 hint : I crawl on the Earth and rise on a pillar
Answer: Shadow
Little Riddles Answers Level 517 hint : What kind of pet always stays on the floor?
Answer: Carpet
Little Riddles Answers Level 518 hint : What type of house weighs the least?
Answer: Lighthouse
Little Riddles Answers Level 519 hint : I sit in a corner and travel around the world
Answer: Stamp
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