Saturday, May 11, 2013

What's the Movie? Horror Set All Level's 1-30 Answers Guide

What's the Movie has been released and sell by James Porter or also called JPSquare. Its a simple game to guess the title of the movie by looking at the pictures. This pictures will give you some hint to determine the title of the movie. If you're stuck answering these game. You can use a hint to reveal letters, missing pictures or the lead actor/actress of the movie by using coins that you can purchase $0.99 for 200 coins and the maximum is $4.99 for 10000 coins. Remembering the tiles of these movies will tempt you to use some coins and purchase it once you have used all of them. Alternately, you can also ask help thru Facebook to answer the quiz. Right now, the current set for us to answers would be 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and beyond, Comedy and Horror. They are currently working on some updates for Sci-fi set.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 3:34 PM