Monday, May 27, 2013

Icon Pop Quiz Famous People Answers Level 1 Cheats

Answers to the Icon Pop Quiz game for Level 1 of Famous People by App Cheaters. Are you stuck on one of the icons in Icon Pop Quiz for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch? No need to worry, you can still keep playing with our walkthrough of all Icon Pop Quiz answers. Here are the cheats, hints, and solutions for level 1 of the Famous People pack of the game:

Icon Pop Quiz - Famous People - Level 1 - Walkthrough Answers and cheats
Here is a complete list of answers and hints, cheats for Famous People answers for Level one 1 of Icon Pop Quiz for iphone, ipad, and android with video above.
Answer: Walt Disney
Name of the Creator of Mickey Mouse
Answer: Charlie Chaplin
The most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era. Icon Pop Quiz answers famous people.
Answer: Michael Jackson
The King of Pop
Answer: Marilyn Monroe
Name of the American actress, model, and singer, who became a major sex symbol. Correct spelling is Marilyn Monroe however that wouldn’t work as an answer so I simply answered Monroe and it worked.
Answer: Neil Armstrong
Name of the first man on the moon quote That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. Icon Pop Quiz Famous People picture of flag on moon answer.
Answer: Charles Darwin
Icon Pop Quiz Answers On the origin of species famous person name of yellow picture with monkey evolving.
Answer: Michael Jordan
Icon Pop Quiz Answer hint is 23
Answer: Psy
Oppa gangam style
Answer: Yoo Jae-Seok
Name of The yellow suited guy in Gangnam style music video icon pop quiz answers famous people level 1.
Answer: Katy Perry
Name of the singer of California gurls. Girl on pink clouds.
Answer: Rowan Atkinson
Name of the actor who plays Mr. Bean
Answer: Mark Zuckerberg
Icon Pop Quiz hint Facebook logo creator’s name.
Answer: Oprah Winfrey
Name of woman on TV Giving away a free car to the audience.
Answer: Yasser Arafet
Name of Palestinian leader icon pop quiz answer.
Answer: 14th Dalai Lama
Icon Pop Quiz famous people answer hint The head monks of the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.