Empires: World War Plus is storming the App Store charts at the moment, but there's plenty to get on top of when you first start the game. To help you on your way, we've put together some helpful hints and tips.
- There are three different military types to choose from in Empires: World War Plus, and each one provides a combat bonus. Choose the Army, and you'll get a battle bonus when attacking with barracks units, while a Navy alignment gives a bonus when using shipyard units. An Air Force specialist will get a combat bonus when controlling units from hangars.
- To make progress in the game you need to head into new war Eras, something achieved by leveling up. Pretty much every progressive action in the game, from clearing trees to participating in Campaigns provides you with experience points, and you won't be able to access the latest warfare tech without progressing into new Eras.
- You also need to take part in the Campaigns to open up the new military unit types in Empires: World War Plus. To start a new Campaign, tap on the map icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. You have to work through Campaigns sequentially, but make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew! Ensure you've built the military infrastructure that you need for each fight - click on the Details section before entering battle to see what you're up against.
- It's not just all about military might - you also need to keep a steady flow of resources coming in. Many missions will ask you to expand your farming capability, for example. To create a farm, head to the store, then the Resources tab, and put a farm in place on the map. Tap on the field to choose which crops you wish to grow.
- There's a sort of rock-paper-scissors system at play in Empires: World War Plus. Each military unit has an attack bonus that's determined by its associated shape. As an example, square shapes are stronger against triangle shapes, while square versus square is an even fight. Try to use the most appropriate unit type for each head-to-head combat round.
- There's strength in numbers. It's worth teaming up with like-minded allies in order to enhance your attacking power. For each ally you have, you'll do an extra 0.5% damage in battle, so it pays to keep your friends close.
- The Energy system stops you from making too much progress without spending money in the cash store. Don't get left behind in a critical area of expansion - try to progress evenly so that you have as many resources as possible to put up both a solid offense and defense within your limited Energy capabilities. Remember that you can top your energy up by completing Campaigns.
- The most precious resource in the game is the Gem currency. Gems can be used to speed up expansion, fill up resources, acquire the most powerful units, and refill your energy. If you don't want to spend real money in the cash store, make sure you finish up any Campaigns that you start, so you get the Gems reward at the end of them.
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