Thursday, May 9, 2013

Chuck The Muck Cheats And Tips ---> Auto-exeM

Kiz Studios' iPhone and iPad puzzler, Chuck the Muck, is the only game we've heard of with authentic Muck Physics. Marketing buzz aside, this tricky effort challenges you to fling a gooey hero throughout a variety of stages collecting coins and avoiding hazards. Stuck? Not to fear. We have hints from the developer. [Download: iOS]
-Muck is a gooey substance found all over Planet Muck, and can appear in many forms. Since the critter hero is made of muck, you can just hop into a Muck Sling and chuck yourself through the air to collect crystals.
-The human body may be 60 percent water, but a Muck Critter's worst enemy is a drop of H2O.
-Always push buttons when you see them.
-Pick up magic beans from the store and you'll get a little extra boost.
-Avoid the Welk Guard at all costs.
-If there is a trail of crystals, try sliding the shooters along that trailer with your finger.
-Muck Shooters look disgusting, but they are a great way to launch a critter. Blast away full force with a tap, or hold and charge for a softer controlled shot.
-If you think you're out of levels to play, think again. Acquire the Spelunker Gear in the shop and experience a whole new level of gameplay. With the night vision you can see crystals invisible to the naked eye. Every level is filled with bonus crystals.
-You have a limited amount of time before volcanoes erupt, so collect crystals quickly. Keep in mind that every volcano has a different eruption point.
-Throughout the game you may see solitary Muck splats. These splats are actually portals to bonus content.
-Knock out meddlesome bats with Flying Mammal gear.
-Avoid drowning with the Deep Sea Diver gear.
-Dress up like a Welk Guard to slip by undetected.
-Become invincible by donning Superhero gear.

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 3:17 PM