Monday, May 13, 2013

4 Scenes 1 Movie All Level Answers and Solutions

One more guessing game is ready for everyone who love movie. 4 Scenes 1 Movie will be another game with picture that need you to answer the correct movie shown by four pictures that taken from one of those scenes in the movie. For some of you, it might be quite difficult to find the right title for a movie that shown by 4 scenes only. 4 Scenes 1 Movie Answers for level 1 to 20 are available to help you guess the right answer you need to accomplish each level in the early part of this game. Enjoy the game with these answers available.

4 Scenes 1 Movie Answers
4 Scenes 1 Movie Answers:
Level 1
There are four scene with two of them show a man-like creature with blue skin. The other two scenes show a wide view of rock and a man lying on a device. (Avatar)
Level 2
There are two men standing, a man with armor and weapon, two men talking and a hand touching the grass shown by four scenes (Gladiator)
Level 3
Green monster with very big body (Hulk)
Level 4
A man and a woman talking, a man behind wooden wall, a man shooting his gun, and a two man talking (Rambo)
Level 5
Four people in spaceship, a man with US flag, and face of two men (Armageddon)
Level 6
A tiger in human outfit jumping, a panda bouncing, some animals walking, and a tiger kicking (Kung Fu Panda)
Level 7
A man with shining thing on his hand, a robot, a bald man, and two man walking together (Iron Man)
Level 8
Men holding a woman, two man standing, and a woman holding a gun (Salt)
Level 9
Man and woman riding horse, group of men with horse, a man with aiming with his arrow, and an old man (Robin Hood)
Level 10
A man with a lot of dot in front of him, a man that almost fall, a bald man, and group of people with black outfit (The Matrix)
Level 11
Man and woman on the ship, man and woman dancing, and the other scene of the same man and woman (Titanic)
Level 12
An old man with white hair, a monster with ugly face, and a human (The Lord of The Rings)
Level 13
A man with old fashioned suit, a man talking to a woman, and a woman in white room (Superman)
Level 14
A woman and a jungle (King Kong)
Level 15
A man with a gun, a man talking to a woman, and a man playing poker (Casino Royale)
Level 16
A man hanging on the wall, a man in laboratory suit, and a woman with brown hair (Spiderman)
Level 17
A nude woman, a man holding glass thing, and someone in blue outfit (Fantastic)
Level 18
Some dinosaurs in a room, group of people, and three people in a open space (Jurassic Park)
Level 19
A woman with a green ogre, a couple of ogre, and a donkey with an ogre (Shrek)
Level 20
A man with a patch on his eye, a man pulling a hammer, and a woman in a car (Thor)
Level 21
A man standing, a woman lying with a gun, and a man in the car (Wanted)
Level 22
A movie with some superhero that come as one great superhero group (The Avengers)
Level 23
Someone walking alone in the jungle, the edge of the rock, and a woman with long blonde hair (Tangled)
Level 24
A man and a woman in suit, a woman, a man and a woman sitting on the same table (Mr. & Mrs. Smith)
Level 25
A woman in white dress, a Trojan statue, a man in armor riding a horse, and group of army (Troy)
Level 26
A man in black costume riding a particular motor bike, a clown, a woman and a cab (The Dark Knight)
Level 27
Two men standing, a man with hat, and group of men with different color outfit (Ocean’s Eleven)
Level 28
A man with beard, group of people, and a man with glasses holding hand with a red haired woman (X-Men)
Level 29
A man in a suit, a man sitting, and two men walking together (The Social Network)
Level 30
A man in red shirt, a robot, two robots talking, and a place with smoke (Wall E)
Level 31
Three men sitting together, two men opening the baggage, and a man in grey suit (The Hangover)
Level 32
A man, three people in fogging are, three people standing, and a man with woman on the tree (Twilight)
Level 33
Tom cruise with a woman in a great movie (Knight and Day)
Level 34
A woman with cell phone, people in a car, and a man talking with a woman (Taken)
Level 35
A big red man with cut horn, a man-like figure with goggle, red-skinned man with a woman (Hellboy)
Level 36
A man, two men separated by wall, and two men aiming their gun (Faceoff)
Level 37
A man and a woman, a man with a hat, and a man in pilot outfit (Catch Me if You Can)
Level 38
Blown building, a man and a woman hugging, and two men standing (Pearl Harbor)
Level 39
A woman standing, four people talking, a man standing beside a woman, and a boat (The Italian Job)
Level 40
A bald man, a man with gun, and a woman (XXX)

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 2:24 PM