Sunday, May 12, 2013

100 Doors Runaway Level 41-50 Walkthrough ---> Auto-exeM

Finally a new update for this week we have a total of 10 new doors ! let’s start for the first 5 stage guide on 100 doors runaway level 41 50 walkthrough to know how to solve each puzzle door !
i still don’t understand the logic for level 42, we simply pass it using try and error
here are the solution for 100 door runaway hints :
100 doors runaway level 41 walkthrough
press the 3 down button from right to left
tilt to the left, then press the left button (right and left)
tilt upside down, then press the up button (right to the left)
tilt to the left, then press the right button (left and right)
100 doors runaway level 42 walkthrough
press :
7 2x
8 3x
6 2x
6 2x
100 doors runaway level 43 walkthrough
take the screwdriver and fix the wire
turn on the light on the right side :
top and middle, press on/off button
middle and bottom, press on/off button
top and bottom, press on/off button

100 doors runaway level 44 walkthrough
shake to make the hammer drop
use the hammer to break the door
100 doors runaway level 45 walkthrough
press the square on the door from small to big
bottom 3x
middle right 2x
middle bottom 1x
top right 1x
top left 1x
proceed to 100 doors runaway level 46 cheats
here are the guide for 100 door runaway help :
100 doors runaway level 46 walkthrough
press play button and start count how many RGB color ?
the answers is 431
100 doors runaway level 47 walkthrough
get the binoculars, use it on the rock
get the glass and use it on the haystack
get the key and use it on the steel panel
enter 17539
100 doors runaway level 48 walkthrough
get the money
use it on the money machine
get the saw machine and use it on the money machine
tap the bottom right corner of the door, start drag up left and down following the cutting pattern
100 doors runaway level 49 walkthrough
get the crowbar and drag all the ring to the left
count the colors and do the math
the answer is 5626
100 doors runaway level 50 walkthrough
change the alphabet into numbers, now look for the missing alphabet
e – i – o – u which is 591521
proceed to 100 doors runaway level 51 solutions

Ditulis Oleh : techexe // 3:36 PM